A KAS Square from Anneke (The Netherlands) representing a KAS Blanket - a lovely symbol of the wonderful service and support the KasFolk lovingly provide for the children of Africa.
Ronda’s Winter Drive is a wonderful ongoing challenge to provide the children of South Africa with garments and hats for the coming winter season.
Our focus, as always, will be squares but the children also need outer clothing to protect them from the cold. THE KAS PATTERN BOOK provides patterns for garments which are appropriate for the children. KAS is providing to children aged 3-9 and the patterns reflect this age range.
Can you imagine surviving the winter months in your country without a coat or even a heavy sweater? The orphaned and abandoned children can. Here are examples of the marvellous clothing made by members. The sweaters/jumpers are roomy so the children can wear everything they own underneath.
Cozy jumpers and warm sweaters
Two soft vests to be be worn against the skin
Hats to keep heads warm and a scarf to protect the neck
Beautiful colours and design provide style as well as warmth
And for a little one, a snuggly Cuddle.
To join the discussion post, please Click here.
To view more photographs on flickr Click here.
Sadly we have to report a Postal Counter Staff strike is taking place and Ronda has requested, that for the time being, please do not send any parcels by Airmail or any large consignments or boxes.
Read the discussion post Postal Strike in South Africa! for further details and check for updates - as soon as the strike is over we will place notices on the respective country group pages.
Wandile one of Ronda's staunchest opening day and distribution supporters is awaiting an Lipoma operation, which was originally scheduled during the first few days of February has been postponed until 14th March. Please would members keep Wandi in their hearts and minds for a positive outcome. Needless, to say after being released from hospital Wandi turned up to help out on 21st February! Here is a lovely photo of her with our other wonderful helper Lindi!
Please click on the above title and watch the video made by Hotel Hope and see the progress that has been made by Oliver and his team - very encouraging. As many of you know, KAS has had a long association with Hotel Hope and supplied blankets and clothing to support their work. Also the Hotel Hope Team have taken KAS blankets to places where it is too dangerous for Ronda to venture.
Blanket appeal destined for Lonehill Village Church - winter outreach
Ronda reports : we sent blankets to children affected by the floods in the Kruger Park yesterday (20th Feb) – with beanies and other items, too. These are poor villagers along the Mozambique border of Kruger Park east – hundreds have been devastated by the flooding and lost everything. You may have seen footage on the news.
I also sent a bunch of felted-square blankets to the Rotary Club in Benoni, Eastern Johanesburg – for the Salvation Army in that region, who nightly hand out food and clothing and blankets to homeless and beggars at their gates, overflow or those who refuse to come inside, apparently. They store up a supply during summer, and are doing just that now – getting ready for the winter rush. [Sorry no photographs for this report.]
Chiawelo Gogo's square collecting!
Photograph sent by Khita, Wandi's daughter - the Chiawelo Gogos collecting squares to stitch together for KAS !! They will now be trundling this heavy supermarket trolley a kilometer or more down the road to the Community Centre for the Gogo group to work on. Wonderful dedication from these elderly, selfless KAS volunteers in Soweto !!
Letter 14th Jan 2013 comes from CABSA and reads : To all the Knit-a-Square knitters :
CABSA has a large network of organisations responding to the challenges of the HIV epidemic and we are often asked to pass on clothing and other gifts. When Sheelagh asked if I knew of deserving organisations, I of course answered "yes". However, I did not expect such a huge gift!
The wonderful big box of hand-knitted jerseys and bonnets (beanies) speak of the care and attention that each knitter put into her gift. I am sure that this care will also be felt by each little child that received a jersey! One of our partners delivered the jerseys to a group working in the mountains around Matatiele. As you can imagine, temperatures can drop to quite low in this area of the Eastern Cape and these warm clothes will make a big difference to the vulnerable little ones.
Here is the follow-up letter received from Positive Hearts on 22nd January who were the recipients this wonderful bounty from KAS members :
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your wonderful donation of knitted jerseys and beanies. This wonderful gift was given to Sr. Basia of The Holy Trinity Church & Convent in Matatiele, Eastern Cape. She and her Peer Nuns administrate and teach at "The Blessed Edmund Pre-school" situated on the ground of the Church & Convent.
Sr. Basia travels on Sundays to the local villages and churches situated around Matatiele, assisting in Mass and giving Holy Communion to the people of these villages. She also gives, when possible, foods, clothes and medication to her fellow church members.
On my visit there in earlier this month, there was a big need for clothes and your gift is much appreciated by myself, Sr. Basia and the people of the village.
[The picture above is of Sister Basia with the box of knitted jerseys and beanies.]
The February 2013 Transportation Challenge lead by Anne Powell (Canada) has set members imaginations on fire and produced some cracking squares - both in pictures and super plain jane colours!
The Challenge for March is being lead by Linda Maltby (Canada) and
the focus will be Four Seasons Squares.
Here is the list for the rest of the year for those of you who like to snap up bargain yarns in preparation! The list can be accessed on the Forum - Challenge Themes for 2013
APRIL - Sea, Seashore & Shells Squares
MAY - Variegated Yarn Squares
JUNE - Christmas Squares
JULY - Mandela Month & African themed Squares
AUGUST - Stripes, Zig-zags, Textures Squares
SEPTEMBER - Educational Squares
OCTOBER - Music/Notes/Instrument Squares
NOVEMBER - Toys and Games Squares & Knitted Teddies
DECEMBER - Squares for KasCare Aids awareness month - December 1st Worlds Aids Day
January Square Lists are ready for viewing.
Received in January : Squares 14,604 (417 blankets !)
Tops 434 and Beanies 1,297
For further details go to the discussion page 2013 January Square List for more information, also to view photographs of opening day arrivals Sorted in South Africa !- well worth a look as you may some of your own!
For March we are featuring Zanny's T Sweater. The original KAS sweater was designed by Zanny as one of the first patterns for KAS. Zanny is Ronda’s sister and Sandy’s mother which makes this a very special pattern.
KAS has grown and so has the sweater!
Since our focus has moved away from babies to older children, the sweater was revised by Carol Playford into a garment suitable for children 3-9 years of age. The longer length keeps the child’s tummy and back warm during the cold days and nights.
It is now called Zanny’s T-Sweater to honour the wonderful lady
who created it.
Zanny’s T sweater is one of the many patterns to be found in the KAS Pattern Book. If you see another pattern you would like to try, please do ! All garments and squares are appreciated.
Richelle Johnson (Louisville - USA) is helping to spread-the-word! Starting with My project for KAS. Hi Everyone! I'm so excited to share that I've asked my church to help Knit a Square and have gotten about 10 volunteers who are already starting to make squares. The outreach committee and the pastor love the idea and we are asking the non-crafters in the congregation to donate yarn. We also are going to invite the other two Unitarian churches in my city to participate, so this could get VERY BIG. I made my first two squares this weekend. They both look like this:
Valerie Zalewski (France) is continuing to Spread-the-word in My Corner of France. In October 2012 had a 30 minute interview on a local radio station with mixed results, but received 15 spools of tapestry wool from a retired weaver! Then she followed this up by taking part in the Christmas Fair and had a French translation of the KAS flyer available. It was a struggle as people were more interested in purchasing the hats and wanted to place orders for blankets!
Not to be deterred by this failure, I decided to try and stir up enthusiasm in the ex-pat community here. It's a fairly large community, as a lot of British and Dutch people settle here.
I'd already put an announcement online on an English language site providing information for people moving into the area. I'd had 1 reply from a very charming lady recently moved to the area. We've kept up internet contact, and should meet sometime soon.
I decided a few days ago to contact our local monthly paper, Creuse News. It's a very good paper, full of interesting news, and widely read in the ex-pat community. I had a very favourable reply, and thought I'd make the March edition as we were almost into February. I had a lovely surprise 2 days ago to find KAS front page news in the February edition. They had checked KAS out on the site and written a very heartening article.
The editor has a spot twice a month on another local radio, and she's told me that I'll be a guest on her programme in March. I do so hope that something positive will come of all this. Julia, the editor, has even decided, herself, to dig out her knitting needles.
A blown up version is available on the Photo tab, to read the Creuse News click on View Full Size once you have opened up the photograph.
Maudie Bryan - Tasmania Island (Australia)
Maudie has been Spreading the Word about KAS in three main ways - Knitting, encouraging others to knit, and fund raising by selling books, cards and CDs and now an e-book. She currently attends the Brookfield Margate Market on a Wednesdays where every week at least one more knitter comes on board.
On March 1st, 2nd and 3rd Maudie will be at the Bothwell Spin-in 2013 where she will be offering her books for sale and Spreading the Word to people who already love to use wool and yarn.
The books Wool-Girl and the Balls of Wool are for sale on line at www.tassiestore.com via Books and Magazines - Children's Books. The e-book is available on Lulu.com by searching - Wool-Girl and the Balls of Wool.
A new knitting group has started nearby and she will be joining in with those ladies soon.
This week finally saw the launch of Yarn Boy's boat with the help of Wool Girl and friends - it has been a long journey :
The launch!
Yarn Boy & Wool Girl can now travel the globe!
The February Square Heart of the month Award has deservedly gone to Grace Weir (Dorchester, UK) Grace is the designer of the very popular Grace’s Ribbed Vest, which is included in the KAS Pattern Book and designed this lovely vest with growing children in mind. When made with soft yarns the vest is perfect for a child to wear against the skin. It is also very stretchy which means the child will be able to wear it for a number of years. The added length provides much needed warmth for the tummy and back.
The pattern is such a favourite that it has its own Album. Here you will find many lovely examples.
She also contributes with lovely hats, squares, and go-over sweaters. She is an active member of the KAS forum, kindly commenting and encouraging her fellow members.
We thank Grace for everything she has done and continues to do for KAS!
To read more about Grace visit the Square Heart Award of February. Click on The Square Heart category for previous awards.
EVENTS YOURS LIVE - Yours Live 2013 - Skegness (UK)
This will be the third year at Yours Live. KAS has been invited to attend and we have very high hopes the ladies (and a couple of the gentlemen, who prefer to knit out of sight in their cabins) will beat the 350+ squares produced in 2 days!
We have been given the same huge space again this year! Our first year in 2011 we were tucked in a corner, however, the organisers realised that not only did we become over-crowded, but they were delighted to see people knitting/crocheting chatting and making friends! Many people left and went to lunch together to continue knitting and talking.
A number of us will be attending and Pam Johnson is doing her very successful Tombola Table to raise the postage funds again! We'll report back next month!
Bill Turnball, a BBC Breakfast Television presenter, was the keynote speaker at Yours Live 2012. After coming on the stage to start the session, he observed that quite a number of the audience were knitting and asked if they were expecting him to be boring! When told they were knitting for charity, he commented, "Well, that's OK then!"
We received an additional 150 Likes on the Facebook page during the first 3 weeks of February to take our total to 5,352! We also copy the messages etc received on Facebook to the Forum for anyone who is not a member of FB.
Baragwanath Hospital Comforts Committee
Published the follow in their news sheet with regarding KAS:
Knitters keep babies warm
"BHCC has been generously supported by Knit-a-square (KAS) in January 2013. KAS has donated beanies, blankets, baby jackets and clothes. These are being distributed through the BHCC network of social workers at clinics and hospitals. At one clinic, Muldersdrift, these warm baby jerseys will be used by the social worker as an incentive for mothers-to-be to attend the ante- natal clinic and health awareness classes.
Knit-a-square began in 2009 with a worldwide appeal for knitted or crocheted 20x20cm squares to be sent to SA. These squares are then stitched into blankets, beanies and jackets, and distributed to children in need. To date, KAS has received over 500,000 squares from more than 50 countries around the world. The KAS mission is not only to provide colourful warm blankets and other items, but also to deliver a message of hope and encouragement to all the children they meet as so many are living in circumstances of deprivation, ill health and sadness."
First opportunity I have found to read this, Pam and I am so delighted with the wonderful job you have done - thank you SO much on behalf of all of us in KAS SA !! We love the way you have taken the rather "peppper-sprayed" photographs and hurried reports you have received from me and put item into such cohesive and interesting context !! Of course, we have just thousands of wonderful supporters, from every corner of the globe, to thank, too ... bless you ALL from the bottom of our hearts ! How privileged we are to be the ones who take your beautiful work to the children and to see their eyes light up and their smiles break out when they realise how many people, living FAR from South Africa, simply love and care enough to bring warmth and colour and hope and encouragement into their lives in this amazing way !!
Ronda, Thank you for the encouraging words. I am always inspired by your words and photos of the children.
Hugs, smiles and High Fives right back at you Ronda...and a kiss on the bonnet for your much used car too!
Ronda... THANK YOU SO MUCH for your love, encouragement and support as we work together to help some of God's unfortunate little ones who through no fault of their own need us! God bless you and all the helpers in South Africa and may the work continue to expand.
Big hug Rhonda. :)
Just fabulous, Pam! Thank you so much for all your hard work! It is just wonderful to be able to read all this good news in one place!
Thanks to Linda too! The January challenge has produced so many wonderful things!
Great stuff Pam Thank you for putting this together.
It is very inspirational and my heart goes out to all the people who are suffering.
A big thanks to all the volunteers who do a fantastic job.
Heartwarming and inspirational as ever. You hit just the right note with KAS snippets Pam, great job.
So glad to see the launch of Wool Girl and Yarn Boy in their new yacht! Excellent job all! :)
This is such a great newsletter and does so much to make us feel part of the KAS community,contributing to a greater end. Thank you, Pam. On a personal note, I was very chuffed to see a photograph of one of my beanie hat & scarf sets.