The first opening day for the KAS Barn in 2024 was January 9.
This discussion will focus on all the weekly activities that take place on
Tuesdays as our volunteers gather together to open parcels,
sort, organized, pack and distribute all things KAS.
Thank you folks. I love seeing this part of the process. Volunteers opening + sorting always look so happy. Thanks especially for pointing mine out Estelle ⭐
This is from Ronda dated May 30...
Oh my!!!! This newsy post is great. Thanks for the photos and written coverage. Getting over 100 blankets distributed is fantastic, made even better so for us to enjoy seeing the grateful children. All that colour is a feast for the eyes. Seeing so much mail has arrived for opening is great too - I must give Auntie Nellie a call to let her know so much is going on right now....
LOVE the top blanket of Susanne's!!.....and Amy's newly stitched blanket; the yellow/gold really makes the blanket pop!!
A SUPER selection from Catherine!
SO thrilled that the three parcels I sent in April/May have arrived. (Estelle has two of them)
I would like to say it cleared up space on hubby's side of the bedroom, but then I went yarn and toy shopping and it looks as bad as before.
How I lol'd Bev - this is always the case with me when I've packed a parcel or 2, it's like things multiply behind your back!
From Estelle on May 21...
Thanks ladies that was one productive day!
This is from Cath…
Oh my goodness what amazing photos to show your incredibly busy looking session. There are some amazing colours and stitch ideas throughout all of the completed blankets. You can see the love + dedication in bucketfuls. Thank you I'm so humbled that you share so much with us, K xx ♥️✔️
The odd-sized squares with the pattern are mine! I think it will all make sense if you lay the squares (and rectangles) out like the chart shows. I hope this is better than just sending you my 9"x9" squares and my 7"x7" squares (which I made into 9"x9" squares by adding on to two sides).
Thank you for providing the chart and labeling everything.
In the past they always were able to complete my charts when I sent one. Hoping we can see the completed project in The Blanket Room soon.
News from the Barn on May 16...