12360193490?profile=RESIZE_710xThe first opening day for the KAS Barn in 2024 was January 9.  

This discussion will focus on all the weekly activities that take place on

Tuesdays as our volunteers gather together to open parcels, 

sort, organized, pack and distribute all things KAS.

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  • The odd-sized squares with the pattern are mine!  I think it will all make sense if you lay the squares (and rectangles) out like the chart shows.  I hope this is better than just sending you my 9"x9" squares and my 7"x7" squares (which I made into 9"x9" squares by adding on to two sides).

    • Thank you for providing the chart and labeling everything.  

      In the past they always were able to complete my charts when I sent one.  Hoping we can see the completed project in The Blanket Room soon.

  • News from the Barn on May 16...

    The KASbarn was a real hive of activity this week with the owners of FOUR crèches in the Orange Farm area coming all the way to collect blankets etc. for their children.
    Plus … 30 blankets to pack up for collection at home for young children with special needs in the South of Johannesburg.
    12545576468?profile=RESIZE_400x3 bags x 10 blankets waiting at home for collection by Richard.
    A total of 131 blankets out of the barn in one day … with love.
    Orange farm ladies.
    12545576501?profile=RESIZE_400xLoading up … for 3 other crèches in Orange Farm.
    These ladies were SO excited and drove such a great distance on behalf of their children. We applaud their efforts !
    12545576882?profile=RESIZE_400xAptly named “Pretty” with part of her allocation of 30 blankets etc. for her Orange Farm pre-school.
    12545576674?profile=RESIZE_400xOne of the distributions awaiting collection!
    12545577096?profile=RESIZE_400xThe blanket cake (including 63 from Portia Gogo group) … we were just too exhausted to take the pics !
    12545577290?profile=RESIZE_400xA visit from Portia with her Gogo group blankets … and her husband Michael off to load the car with 7 more bags of squares!
    12545577884?profile=RESIZE_400xYay - we had post this week !! To be completed next Thursday.
    12545578056?profile=RESIZE_400x… shelves emptying ! 120 of these will go out on 30th May with Wandi.
    12545578478?profile=RESIZE_400xBeautiful squares of all sizes which came with the “pattern” for sewing together …
    12545578691?profile=RESIZE_400xViv has bravely taken this challenging job home to complete!
    12545579277?profile=RESIZE_400xA wonderful pile of squares from Reddam school (community service hours challenge).
    Norma has the flu … a nasty bug flying around at present !
    • Yes folks this is all great news...... Lots + lots of makes moving along nicely.   I see 2 if not 3 of my parcels amongst that pile of mail, happy dance x.  Thank you to everyone involved in getting these updates to us xx

    • I think my two parcels sent in early April may now be at their post office, after spending about a month in Johannesburg. Sent another one last week.

      Wow! Distributions and collections galore....good on you all. xo

  • We have a newsy report from Ronda, May 10...

    The KASbarn was a hive of activity this morning as Viv and Wandi 2 gathered 50 blankets and other items together for the distribution.
    All bags labeled and sellotaped securely, “comfort bear” chosen (see pics) … weekly prayers said and … off they went 😁 !
    Happy to see Norma after the flu bug decided to let up ! There’s so much around at the moment we have decided to wear masks in the Barn from next week if there’s the slightest sniffle.
    12494071062?profile=RESIZE_584xThree large parcels from Czech Republic … around 1400 squares in total- thank YOU !
    Jan and Salli joined us today to help opening parcels, also to pack up items for 3 crèches in the Orange Farm area, to be collected 16th May.
    12494071084?profile=RESIZE_584xJan and Salli wrestling one of the C-R parcels.
    12494071482?profile=RESIZE_584xSmall blanket cake … pics next week.
    12494071879?profile=RESIZE_584xPacking for Orange Farm …
    12494072252?profile=RESIZE_584x… ready to go.
    May 16, that’s a special date … reminding me that KAS met Wandi Mkhwanazi on that date in 2009 at a distribution in Soweto. Lindi had joined from our first “opening day” in the lounge at Fourways in mid-January of the same year.
    From 2009 - “It is also where LINDI Ngwenya was and still is a parishioner. We were introduced to Lindi by Joesphine Mhlongo.  Jo helped with parcel opening for two or three months and then moved on to new pastures - but we treasure her for bringing our very special Lindi to meet us!”
    Wandi LOVED KAS and joined us immediately.
     15 years - well done ladies.  Here is the link to the KAS history that includes these photos: https://forum.knit-a-square.com/forum/topics/the-kas-story?xg_sourc...
    THE KAS STORY - Part 1
    The Early Days Knit-a-Square was founded in October 2008 after a family reunion in Melbourne, Australia in June of the same year. It is based on the…
  • From Estelle on May 7...

    Another glorious winter’s morning to meet for tea, cake and opening post for KNIT-A-SQUARE. We were delighted and grateful to get post to open thank you Ronda.
    12491506297?profile=RESIZE_584xElaine and Audrey...Happiness is opening parcels and bundling squares to make blankets for KNIT-A-SQUARE.
    12491506692?profile=RESIZE_584xA bag of the cutest small toys from Sally Patterson.
    12491507084?profile=RESIZE_584xBeautifully knitted squaress from The Rotary Club of Orkney Scotland ( left) and gorgeous ones from Carole Rawlings (right).
    12491507266?profile=RESIZE_584xThese were delivered to my house by Tienie…thanks for all those generous butterflies - they certainly make it easier to stitch the squares together.
    12491507670?profile=RESIZE_584xI collected baby clothes and baby blankets from La vie Nouvelle. 
    12491507695?profile=RESIZE_584xSally Patterson you’re a star…3 parcels from you today the following two blankets, toys and squares. Love this one. 12491508254?profile=RESIZE_584x
    12491508079?profile=RESIZE_584xLovely colours, lovely blanket from Julie Martin.
    One of many Audrey put together the last two weeks.
    12491509067?profile=RESIZE_584xMotives all made by Elaine.
    12491509268?profile=RESIZE_584xOne of the blankets Liz has made this last two weeks.
    12491510060?profile=RESIZE_584xThese squares are from your team Antoinette Nothling.
    12491510096?profile=RESIZE_584xI sized some and made some of these squares for my ever so bright blanket.
    12491510452?profile=RESIZE_584xLoved doing this one….99% of Elaine’s squares thanks Elaine.
    Sheldon is an extremely busy young man at the moment…missed you.
  • News and photos from The Barn on May 2.  Thank you Ronda!

    ... from the KASbarn this morning.
    Lindi sitting with a pile of squares from Elisabeth Bradley.
    ... me ironing the "curly" squares which we get so many of - stocking stitch and nicely made but it's difficult to put them in a blanket pack because it's impossible to size them correctly unless they are flattened a bit, first.
    The shelves are emptying quite fast, so happily today's blanket cake will help replenish things.
    12439514875?profile=RESIZE_400xWandi and Vivienne building the KAS cake.
    12439515462?profile=RESIZE_400xOur resident photograper...Wandi 2.
    • Busy day at the barn - good idea to iron those curly ones. 

  • From Ronda on April 25...

    What a productive day it was in the KASbarn today !
    Viv and Wandi 2 went out in the KASvan to collect blankets from a Gogo group, delivering more squares for sewing together, collect a LARGE supply of free distribution posters AND distribute to 70 children.
    Pics to see !
    Blankets for the day's distribution at Mulberry Daycare x 70
    With no post to open, Wandi tidied the storage room, graded and packed beanies and the two of us sorted, bundled and bagged all the baby items, ready for collection. They will go to two clinics in Soweto and to our old friend Sr Sue … for the neonatal section at Bara and new mums in general.
    12436177301?profile=RESIZE_584xLindi and Wandi
    12436177887?profile=RESIZE_584x12436177491?profile=RESIZE_584xCollection of 5 bags by Christina of Orange Farm.
    Christina’s bags …
    12436178888?profile=RESIZE_584xSmall collection for Hilda’s daycare.
    Shiela also came all the way from Orange Farm to collect her 40 x blankets and beanies
    12436180694?profile=RESIZE_584xLovely to unpack a parcel which we found, from our dear friend Trish Gribble !
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