Greetings everyone! We're starting off 2015 with a new version of our pets discussion thread. Anything can be put on here that you find amusing about animals in general or your pets in particular. I am starting off with a photo of The Lickasaurus, Katie, our rescue puppy we found in the USA on a visit to a shelter there where my daughter worked at the time. She still loves to bark at people walking on the other side of the street but doesn't clue in that anyone is at the back door until our cats start growling and go see who it is! She's adorable but not the sharpest tool in the shed.
This is my lap cat/therapy cat/watchdog cat, Vincent, being attacked by a Christmas bow...that'll teach him to go among the presents! So feel free to share what you wish and celebrate our furry, fishy and feathered friends. My aunt and uncle in Devon UK used to have a Mynah(?) bird, anyways it imitated the gurgling of the sink and the screech of car brakes as they stopped at the corner outside their house. :)
I am now closing this discussion and starting a new one for 2016. :) See you on the furry side!
The woodpecker may have to go.......
Ah yes, first saw the problems with a woodpecker on Noah's ark back in Disney's Fantasia 2000. Always amusing! LOL
LOL !!!
I was going to say I haven't managed the punk look but then I remembered pushing a boat off from a rock and my father running down the path from the lodge, yelling "Wait! Wait!" I hesitated, the boat kept going, yep right into the lake. So I've even rocked the punk look, lol. As for the metal look, well every month at that time of month oh yesssss....LOL. Kinda glad those days are behind me.
I have come very close to this...while needing to get something to eat, while needing to pee, while needing to get up to put in a movie or get a book or pick up my knitting.
This is hilarious cos hub and I were just wailing about our cat seettling on to one lap or another for the whole evening and weighing about a ton at the end of the evening. Of course we're too soft to push her off when I legs have begun to go totally numb.
Yes, exactly! Or I'm just about to get up and he settles in.