Hi, my name is Marlene Mahokoto.  I originally hail from Walvisbay in Namibia.  Came to Stellenbosch in 2003 to study Theology.  Got married in 2005 to my husband from Eastern Cape, Sipho and had a baby boy in 2007.  So now Stellenbosch is our home at present.  I am currently busy with my doctoral studies and somehow, I also managed to find time to knit.  I have not done this for quite some time.  Was looking for a pattern and just googled and ended up on knit-a-square's homepage and was hooked.  Thought, this was my chance to do something concretely - something for the children.  So I started last week Thursday with my squares.  Had to rush to the shops first because I did not even had needles or wool for that matter.  I finished 3 squares so far and one pull-over.  In-between I also started with a pullover for my son (almost finished!!!).  I really enjoy this.  It gives me time to unwind.  Also affords me the opportunity to pray for each little one that will be wearing one of my squares. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this group!!  

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  • Hi Marlene

    What a beautiful part of the world to be living in. Stellenbosch is so stunning. Wonderful to have you on board. I look forward to hearing more from you in the future.


  • Hello Marlene!

    A big welcome from an American living in the Eastern part of Canada. So glad you have joined us.

    3 squares already is quite an accomplishment. Well done.

    Like you, I find knitting time to be meditative and so relaxing. What better way to unwind than to knit for children?

    I look forward to seeing around the forum,
  • Welcome to KAS, Marlene! So glad to have another member "on the ground" over there. Many members comment how knitting and crocheting give them time to "zen" out abit, or think about things, it's like a win-win situation, everyone benefits. Glad to have you with us and happy knitting! :)

    Jeanne :)
  • Hi Marlene - Greetings from Canada!!!

    We are so glad you found us and have joined this KAS sisterhood.

    Like you - I cannot make a square without seeing , in my mind's eye, a little face - smiling and warm and saying a little prayer for that child. We are changing lives!
  • Hi Marlene, welcome to the forum. Nice to have you.
    I live in the Manchester area of North-West England.
    Another 'old-timer' who has been around for a year or so. Seems that mid 2009 was when a lot of us joined.
    Looking forward to seeing photos of your work. Don't be afraid to ask questions, there should be someone who can respond.
  • Good evening from New Zealand and Welcome! I have been around for more than a year and I am totally addicted to squares. Like you I had no needles and wool so I had to go shopping as I had given mine away fro the lack of anyone to knit for. Then I broke my ankle and had all day to knit! Seeing photos of the children all wrapped in snuggly blankets is a real motivator. There aare loads of lovely people on the forum. Have fun with your knitting!
    • Good morning from England. I too joined the forum about a year ago and have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this encouraging and supportive community of good-hearted people, all working for such a worthwhile cause. Like you, I had no yarn at all when I joined but after a year of serious knitting the first few balls appear to have bred and I now have quite a stash.
      I hope you continue to enjoy knitting and we look forward to seeing pictures of your work.
      • Hello Marlene,
        greetings from the Natal south coast. I bet we're warmer than you are! Still you live in one of the most beautiful areas of this wonderful country of ours. I have also been knitting and crocheting for KAS for a about a year now. Apart from knowing that I can contribute to such a worthy cause I have also appreciated the warmth, support and friendship of all the wonderful people that you will meet on the forums. There are often questions about South African conditions that I am sure you will be able to help answer.
        Good luck with your projects!!
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