I love knitting, but am not that good at sewing up! So knitting squares for KAS is the perfect answer for me - and at the same time my knitting is helping a child.

I have challenged my friends and colleagues to knit squares during Lent, so that instead of giving something up, we are creating something.  The idea has really caught on, and we are busy knitting squares for our third blanket (ie set of 35 squares).  Still some days to go, so I am optimistic that we will  at least finish our third, and then start on our fourth.

It is great to hear what everyone else is doing.

Best wishes.


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  • Hi Sue

    Welcome from over here in Western Australia.

    I also hate sewing things together, so knitting squares is always my first option, too.

    What a great initiative, challenging friends and colleagues to knit squares for this wonderful cause....and the result will be at least three more children kept nice and warm in freezing conditions during this rapidly approaching winter.

    Best wishes to you and your contributors....may your needles fly.....  :))

    • Hey what a great idea for Lent ! Welcome aboard !

  • Great idea Sue !  

  • Well done Sue and friends - a great idea for Lent - creating!  Every blanket = one child warm for many many years!  

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