Jo from Oz

Hi All Well here goes my first Blog ..... I found out about KAS from a friend's Facebook feed, looking at her page one day I saw a picture of a blanket made of squares that she had sewn together, drilling down into the post I found myself viewing a wonderful video of beautiful people and children and immediately I wanted to be a part of it. I telephoned my sister and told her to have a look too. I started on my first square that day. My sister needed a refresher in knitting so we got together and she started her squares. She has since taught herself to crochet by using YouTube. Two months ago we decided to start our own Facebook Group and invite friends to knit with us. Our group is called Oz Knitwits and we now have 21 members, some of whom I have had to teach to knit as well as to crochet, including my 28 year old son. We are in Australia, but our group has members in the UK as well as SA. We also have members who are not on Facebook, like an 81 year old lady who has picked up her needles for the first time in 30 years and is absolutely loving being a part of what we do, a gentleman in the UK, who not to be outdone by his wife, learnt to crochet and promptly came up with his own pattern which had us stumped for days ... As part of the global human race are getting so much out of what we are doing, so thank you KAS for giving us the opportunity that we otherwise may not have had.

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  • Hi Jo
    Thank you for introducing me and Bob to this group! It's years and years since either of us has knitted and its brought back many memories of teaching the kids how to knit. At this moment Bob is trying to crochet a cube type thingy and I am doing a Plain Jane type thing but we're both really enjoying what we're doing and knowing that it will make a difference to the children on the other side of the world. It's also great interacting with all the other hookers and it would seem that we've all improved as a result!
    • Hi Chris, awesome to have you and Bob with us ... Happy Tension xxx
  • Hi Jo....from over here on the west side of Oz. Wow! What a wonderful thing to your enthusiasm and generous heart. KAS certainly does inspire and bring folks together.

    Please do keep us updated (as your time permits) as we love to hear great stories such as this.....keeps us all motivated and inspired.  :))

    Thanks for joining us.

    • Hi Bev, thanks heaps for your message, take care ;-)
  • Hi Jo from Ohio USA.  What a wonderful story. So glad you are part of KAS. Together we can all make a difference in the lives of the children.

    • Thank you Jan, it's great to be here ;-)
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