June 2017
So many things to see in your day from sunrise to sunset. Each of us in this world -wide KAS family will have different things we see during our day. Any of them can be inspiration for a square for a child. Don't forget the PJ's, they can be made in the colours of your day. Here a few ideas to give your creativity a start !
There is the sunrise to welcome the day.
The traffic on the way to work.
Break with a book .
A butterfly on a flower. I couldn't resist our lovely monarch butterfly for this picture.
Boiling the kettle for a cuppa or coffee.
A bird on a branch.
Do you have a friend who is always happy to see you?
The setting sun at the end of the day.
I hope you enjoy these ideas from sunrise to sunset, we would love to "hear" about your day !
Remember June has a lovely warm square for the Pattern of the month. Give it a try !
Knitted Two Stitch Rib Square
Helen Flagg (USA)
It's [here] in the KAS Pattern Book where other patterns are available for you to use.
Thank you so much for hosting the June theme, Susan. I'm sorry these are sooo late and also that I only managed seven squares for this month. last two squares for June. I'm looking forward to Spring....hence the The square on the left is purple and has a white flower with pale pink edging, which was crocheted for me by my sister, Ros. It is a little 'flattened' as it has been in the bottom of my knitting bag.
Thank you Bev they are beauties. Very good team work on the purple square.
Very, very late and still the ends to sew in and the boarder to add but here is my blanket for Junes' theme Sunrise to Sunset
Wow, Sharon, definitely worth waiting for - a beautiful blanket (and I sympathise with you dealing with all those ends!)
Thank You Sharon it is a stunning blanket , beautiful colours and pattern !
Absolutely divine, Sharon. LOVE these colours together. :))
THANK YOU!!!! /diana
Beautiful aquamarine just like the sea. It is my favourite blue colour! Thanks Diana D !
Sue, thank you for hosting June's theme and thanks to everyone for your beautiful contributions. :)))