KAS.... at the café AGAIN!!



Twice in one month! A couple of weeks ago, we were able to connect with Heather Mensah who was vacationing nearby Yesterday was another red-letter day and another meeting of some the Canadian KASfolk!

Linda and Dave Maltby were in the Newmarket area for a brief visit, so Andrea Palmatier, my daughter Wendy Lewis and I met up with them for coffee at Upper Canada Mall.

Andrea was working on a baby blanket for a friend, Linda made one of her beautiful Wheel Spoke squares, and I just sat and gloated over the fact that I had just given Linda a bag of off-size donated squares which she had agreed to take home to perform miracles on. Some might be useful and go with some of her supply, others she can unravel and turn into something else - something I can’t do because I would probably end up giving the yarn to the person who had made the squares in the first place!

We were disappointed that Anne Connor was unable to join us at the last minute, but we are hoping to arrange another get-together some time soon.

What fun it is to sit and chat about KAS and other things and just get to know one another in person.! We were all wishing we could figure out a way we could get more "KasKanadians" together now and then, but we are all so spread out and far apart.

We agreed that if any of us ever win a big lottery, we would buy tickets for the others and head off together to South Africa to see KAS in action on the ground.

Meanwhile, we will hope we can get together again. If anyone expects to be in the Toronto area anytime, or if you live close enough to make the drive, please get in touch with me so we can do this again.

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  • I am just wondering how far apart in miles you KASKanadians are?  I expect it is quite a few but you are all used to travelling such huge distances.  Here in the UK if we are 50 miles apart that is a major event - but our roads are very narrow especially here in Shropshire and I think much busier - so how far are you gals travelling to meet up?

    • Pam I can tell you that Arlene Guerin is 3 days drive west of me in British Columbia, on Canada's west coast.  We have lots of space here, that is true, but not many people in most of it so we can drive at high speeds and cross great distances unimpeded.  Although I could drive from Winnipeg Manitoba to Thunder Bay Ontario in 1 day, about 8 hours driving, and England fits easily between the two cities size wise on a map, we don't have the population you do and all those twisty bendy roads, not to mention all those fascinating museums and curio shops and historic sites and pubs and wonderful scenic spots where I'd be stopping every 5 seconds!  Between Winnipeg and Thunder Bay is a lot of trees and rocks and water and not much else, with one highway...although there is a branch off that runs parallel along the US border which I hear is scenic-Hwy. 11.  

      I always enjoy visiting England, haven't been back in decades now but I remember it fondly.  I know England is wall-to-wall people but it's also a blast to visit.  I still remember the fish and chips I had, yes wrapped in newspaper from a fish and chips stand down on the Devon coast by the sea.  Ooooooh.

      I admit though that I well remember my cousin driving us at what I considered breakneck speed down winding one lane hedged roads in England----CRIKEY!  Talk about heart in my throat, blasting round completely blind curves.  You Brits do love to live on the wild side eh?

      Um, might I add that while we Canucks(Canadians) do have some large wildlife we have to avoid on the roads at least we don't have THIS: An elephant scratches an itch on a car in the Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa. The occupants of the car waited patiently inside for the elephant to finish its business. Photograph: Armand Grobler/Barcroft Media

      An elephant scratches an itch on a car in the Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa

      • Oh my word!

      • I'll take snowstorms any day !!

    • We are accustomed to travelling long distances.  My husband's English family was shocked the first time they came over...I guess it's what you get used to doing.

      I travel around 650 km/400 miles from the Sault but everyone else is close by.  Anne and Wendy are approximately 30 km/18 miles away and Andrea is "just up the street".  I do plan to visit my family as well as my KASfamily. Also the driving time gives me the opportunity to make squares so the time is well spent :-)

      • I assume your husband is driving while you are crocheting and you are not doing the two together Linda!! :-)

        I used to do B&B and have never forgotten the Australians who expected to leave my house in Wales late morning, call at Stonehenge, visit Bath then get to Dover for the afternoon ferry.  That will probably all mean nothing to you but in Australian terms it was a few hundred miles - to us it was hilarious, they would only have managed just to get to the ferry without the detours on our busy roads.  I have always wanted to visit Canada and see the huge spaces - maybe one day - and if I do I know I will have to visit KAS at the cafe!

        • Yes, Dave does the driving.  I haven't quite managed holding the crochet hook and the steering wheel at the same time LOL

          The Australians were quite ambitious !  We know that you can't travel very fast or far [unless using the M roads and then you don't see anything] on English roads.  We prefer to use the A or B roads and 'tootle' along enjoying the countryside.  Last time we were over we travelled by train.  Great way to see the countryside and we didn't miss the excitement of meeting a car on a stonewall/hedge lined single track road.

          We would love to show you our part of Canada and of course we would all have a great time at the cafe !

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    • Hi Ramona!

      You have prompted me to start a list of "KasKandians - Ontario Chapter"....... and I will add to it as other names pop up.

      Hopefully, within the next few months we can put our heads together and come up with a time and place for us to have another get together.  it would be such fun to get to know one another in person.

      • Anne, I was born in Kingston, ON.  I lived in S. ON until I was 16.  A piece of my heart and some of my relatives stayed there when I moved to NS.  May I be included in this Ontario Chapter ... at least a piece of me?  I may not be able to attend always, but on the off chance that I could ... please, please, please ... xo

        Besides, if I tried to start a NS "chapter", I'm afraid it would have to be a NS "page" ... LOL

        • You are already on the list, Gloria... ever since you mentioned that you might be able to make it someday, and that you have a place to stay in Dunville???

          In fact, if you know you are coming to Ontario at any time, let me know and we will try to "lay something on".

          The others on the list so far are Andrea Palmatier in Newmarket, Ramona Ng in Toronto, Anne Connor in Pickering and Christine Steeves in Holland Landing and me in Uxbridge.

          Linda Maltby is also on the list and with luck could make a trip down from the Soo.

          I keep meaning to go though the Members List to find others within an hour or so drive and get in touch with them to see if they would be interested in getting together sometime.

          My 'project' fo finding nearby KasOntarians has been on the back burner.  If any of you encounter new members or members who have been around for a while who might fit into this group, please post their names in this discussion so that when we plan our next get together we can let everyone know.

          In fact - I would take it even further and say here that if anyone from anywhere is visiting in or near the Toronto area to let us know.  It was a sheer fluke that we were able to meet Heather Mensah from the UK who happened to be visiting family in Richmond Hill.

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