Hello! My name is Kelly and I live in upstate New York. Like so many others, I was looking for a way to give back. My daughter will be having a baby soon and asked if I would crochet her a Cuddle Sac. I was happy to find that the website would give me that opportunity I was looking for. 

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  • Hi Kathy, Those of us in the USA group just discovered that The Brown Sheep Yarn Co. will provide free some yarn for charity knitting. To request the wool yarn e-mail Kathy at kmuhr@brownsheep.com and tell her what org. you would use it for and what you want to make with the yarn and within a day she will answer you. I understand it takes about 3 weeks to get the yarn and one lady got 20 ounces free. Good luck on making your Cuddle for the grandbaby. I made one and they are not hard to do for KAS. Glad you joined us and if you haven't joined the US group please do.
  • Oh, Kelly, one P.S.....

    Don't forget to join the U.S. discussion group; I'm sure you'll enjoy the friendly, helpful, and energetic atmosphere!

  • Hi, Kelly!  Congratulations on the grandchild!

    How great that an experienced crochet artist has joined us!  Once you churn out that all-important cuddle for your daughter's baby, maybe you'll be in the mood to add some others for the KAS orphans!

  • Welcome, Kelly!  Knit A Square is a GREAT way to give back =)!!
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