Hi to everyone - only found this site a few days ago and have been so absorbed since then in looking around it's pages.

I'm Amanda and live in the Midlands, UK. I am (almost!) 40 and live with my husabnd, Terry and my 8 year old Daisy. I also have an 18 year old lad but he no longer lives with us.

I have been ill with M.E for 8 years so am often bed-bound. I also has cancer 12 years ago whcih left me with a prosthetic femor. But I think that's enough boring info about me!

I came to this group when I watched a Comic Relief documentary last week high-lighting life in the Kibera slums in Kenya. I cannot begin to say how the programme burned into my mind, my heart and my conscience. I have just viewed the second part tonight.

I had to search for a way to do SOMTHING, ANYTHING to help.   You can probably all identify with that feeling. I have a very limited income , but amazingly, since watching that programme, feel like the most privelidged person on earth. I am acutely aware of the money I waste without really thinking. I do a lot of crafting and card making - and watch a craft shopping channel much of the time. When last week I saw a packet of 12 marker pens (YES! LUXURY ONES!!!!) for around £55 (UK) I felt sick to my stomach to be part of a society that thinks it's o.k to spend that whilst turning  a blind eye to kids and adults living and dying in unimaginable poverty.

Let's say I have opened my eyes- my heart is burning to do something. Knitting is one way I CAN help. I spent the last few days reading about what items are most needed and the guidelines for making & sending them and will begin this weekend. Daisy is already teaching her Dad to kint and all three of us will make squares and I will make some garments.

I am so grateful for all your lovely warm welcomes. Thank you - Love from Amanda

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  • glad to have you with us, Amanda, Daisy, and Terry.

  • Hi Amanda and a very warm welcome. I also watched the programme last week but will have to catch up with the 2nd part tomorrow. IT is amazing, isnt it, what we take for granted and how others really suffer for the simple reason of where they are born. This is a great site. Everybody is so warm and welcoming and also very helpful and ready and willing to answer any questions and share ideas. Glad you have had a look around. Hope you enjoyed the photos. Some of the work is amazing. The part we play may not cost a fortune, bar the cost of wool (and maybe postage, so best to send a few at a time) but makes an enormous difference to the children, or as my 4 year old niece calls them when she sees me knitting, 'children of the world', which I thinks is kinda cute. She has no idea about where different countries are but understands that not all are as lucky as she is.

    There is also a UK group if you care to take a look.

    I have to be honest and say I dont know very much about M E but I hope you are having a good day today

    Once again, a very warm welcom to you and daisy!


    • Hello Amanda, it's lovely to have you with us. Yes, many of us know that feeling of wanting to do something, and it never feels enough but at least as a part of a group we can feel that something is being achieved and measureably so. It's great that Daisy and your husband are involved as well - we have a few very good male knitters amongst us.

      One of the encouraging things about KAS is realising that there are a lot of caring people all over the world - there are many people whose hearts have been touched and who do all they can to make a difference, in whatever way they can. This a very supportive and friendly community and there will always be someone happy to answer any queries you may have (on a wide variety of subjects.)

      I hope you enjoy being involved and we would love to have you join the UK group.

  • Welcome, Amanda!  It is wonderful to have you (and your family) with us!
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