"Variety is the Spice of Life"- and this month's theme offers plenty of variety whatever your level of skills in knitting or crochet.

Let  your imagination run riot with  yarn, colour,  stitch  and texture to create squares, blankets, hand warmers or toys, whether a  traditional crochet granny square,  in knitted garter stitch -  we love Plain Janes  - or in the wonderful range of variegated yarn. 

Or try your hand at something new  - there are lots of ideas on the KAS Pattern Book

Do share your pictures of grannies, garters and variegated wonders  on the KAS Square Forum page - under Photos and also under Discussion Categories for the October 2017 theme.   We look forward to seeing them.

Update:  Linda has kindly created two photo albums of the beautiful squares, blankets, toys, hand-wrmers and hats that KAS members have made this month to far  - an amazing and impressive collection with many not featured on the specific October page, so do take a look at the links below.





With apologies, I prepared this introduction ages ago with lots of your lovely squares as examples of grannies, garters and variegated wonders - but I have spent all afternoon trying to post it, and it keeps telling me I am way, way over the no. of characters allowed. I admit I am not very IT savvy, but I have resized images, edited the text to no avail. So instead - here it is in plain words.

I look forward to you all adding lots of colour to this month's theme.




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  • October 2017 Theme - Gorgeous Grannies and Garters & Variegated Wonders

    Last three pair of handwarmers....for once, the bright colours are bright....and not made so by my camera.....lol

  • 2930378284?profile=RESIZE_480x480A quick update picture of my 13th completed blanket (sewn up by my Mum - bless).   The entire blanket is with Turkish wool KNITCO.

    • Thank you, Karen, and your Mum, for letting us see the final result of all your work - truly a blanket of many colours.
      • Soooo pretty, Karen....what a GREAT team effort!!!

    • Karen, this is fantastic .... I love all the stripes!

    • This is antastic. So very colourful. What a nice mum!!!

  • Just made it in time. The last 14 squares made with the night mare yarn. lol


    • Joan, you have created some beauties from your “nightmare yarn”. My eye went to the top middle square with the rich purple and green. Thank you for rounding off this month’s theme in style.
      • Absolutely DIVINE squares, Joan....sorry the yarn was such a cow to knit with.  :))

        My faves are the bottom left-side ones. Think I might have just pulled out some very similar yarn as this and was going to sneak it into the November theme, as I didn't get around to knitting it in October.  :(( 

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