KAS has always managed to do the occasional direct 'off-beat' distributions in response to emergencies etc. Below are two reports both from July 2018 - by Ronda.


Right now, I am putting together some large blankets and other items for a family on the East Rand somewhere, whose 10 year old son was studying late at night last week sometime, and smelt smoke.  Cutting a long story short, he managed to alert the family and save them all as their house burned to the ground and they lost absolutely EVERYTHING – including all his books and study notes etc.  His name is Thakgallo and his mum is Thandeka.


She and I are in conversation while I get some bits and pieces together. Sian brought a bag of very good second-hand clothing and I also have packed some of Ute’s larger warm school tops. I will buy some groceries and perhaps get a stationery voucher for Thakgallo for his studies. Then I hope to trundle across to the East Rand and find where they are “camping” for the time being and deliver it all.


Shortly after this disaster Ronda managed to track Thandeka down to a foster home where she works 10 days on, 4 days off - on a full time basis. Ronda visited the foster home and spent some time with the children she is caring for - 10 boys, including Thakgallo during holiday break time in South African government schools.


KAS will definitely visit Thandeka again at the foster home - it is a cold, bare place without signage (perhaps without formal registration even though it is in the suburbs). She does not "own" it, but merely works there. Two of the children were under 2 years old, just standing forlornly in their cots, where it appeared they spent most of the day. It was FREEZING cold and Thandeka explained that the boys were unable to play outside because of it. The noise level of having all the boys inside was unbelievable!


Ronda met "Anna" in the kitchen who was brewing up a very tasty smelling dish for the boys' lunch..... she thought it was mince, but Anna explained that she had decanted several tins of pilchards, and, simply added some spices and gravy powder and whatever else she could lay her hands on to try and feed her hungry charges. Needs must, but it made Ronda feel so sad, there are so many places that struggle along like this.


Ronda promised to return with some more blankets, toys, beanies and hand-warmers for the little ones asap - only 7 of them as Thakgallo and his two friends will have return to school when the holiday break ends.


Thakgallo shared with Ronda his experience - he was so quiet and self-effacing. Thandeka told Ronda he is still having nightmares at the thought of what COULD have happened, and at the sight of his home burning to the ground literally in minutes, despite the fire fighters trying their best to save it.


Ronda also took Ute's school donation and will take more when she returns.

KAS received around 6 boxes containing 400 items of school tops!

It was an enormously generous donation and you will see them over-time as they get distributed to where they are most needed.

Below are photographs of some that have already found their new homes.

There were some very large tops, probably intended for high school age boys, however, Ronda took the opportunity to hand out 3 tops to some cold shivering beggars at traffic lights!

Ronda says it is such an amazing blessing to be able to give these really beautiful items of clothing to the poorest of the poor, and, hopes that in some small way the children with feel empowered by them. She is so grateful to all our generous contributors for giving us the privilege.


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  • What a fascinating report and I am SO glad that Ronda could help that homeless family and that it led her to a struggling nursery where she can help the children further. Those little ones shivering in cots...how the heart aches and how grateful I am to each one of you KAS angels on the ground in South Africa for seeing these needs and responding to them.  It's really precious that Ronda was able to give out tops to those shivering beggars.  Thank you so much.  It makes my heart lighter on a grey cloudy day to read of the pure love going to these children.  I hope we'll always have the privilege of helping them.

    Thanks for this very good read, Pam.

  • The tops look very smart on the  children and the hats are lovely colours and fit. The children seem very happy with their toys, and so many are handmade by clever KAS folk !

    • I'm so glad that there are toys !

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