Have just been given a new donation of wool - oh joy, 3 carrier bags of some lovely stuff.  In particular about 7 balls of "Snowflake Snuggly"  - oh, such a lovely yarn, a bit fluffy and very soft.  A mixture of pinks, greens, white and lilac - can't wait to do something with them.


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  • Oh boy, I was very touched today - I have 4 friends with whom I lunch out somewhere different every 6-8 weeks.  This time one of them said to go to her house for lunch.  I know we are all economising a bit with fuel price rises etc so thought that was the reason.  At the end of the lunch they said they had decided to each do a lunch at home, and then they would give me the money they had saved by not eating out to go to postage for KAS!  So £30.00 today - that will pack up a heap of squares waiting to go.

    A friend coming to stay tomorrow and I have warned her she may have to nest in a pile of squares as the bed is hidden underneath!

    • Pam what a lovely bunch of friends you've got.  How marvelous of them.
    • I'm so happy there are people like that in this world and they are able to touch your life in that way! :o)
    • What a lovely thought from your friends and a wonderful surprise for you.  £30 should cover quite a lot of squares!
  • Hi Pam,   a slight change of subject.  Will you be in Shropshire during Easter Week?  Hope to spend the week in Hereford/Leominster and could pop up to collect the cones for the weaving project if this would be possible? Unfortunately, it is a short week - only Tues/Wed/Thurs available as the royal wedding has snaffled the Friday!  However, if it is not convenient please do say so as I hope to visit Herefordshire more regularly in the future.
    • Hello Pam, I was just thinking about you yesterday wondering how we could meet!   Yes, that would be ideal as I am "free" all that week.  I would be happy to drive down to South Shropshire somewhere - and if Elaine Jones is free as well we could have a KAS cuppa!  Ideally Tues or Thurs as I am doing a KAS talk to Roatary on the Weds and knowing how last minute I am with everything will still be sorting out pics etc!  I'll see if Elaine can come and think of where to meet.
      • Hi to both Pams.  I'd love to meet up - I'm going to be away for the week before Easter but will be around the following week and can certainly free up Tuesday or Thursday.  I would suggest meeting at Ludlow which isn't too far south for us and not too far north of Leominster.  What do you think?
        • Excellent - choose a day which suits you both as I'm flexible.  Look forward to a good chin-wag!
          • Hi Pam,  I'm still online.  That sounds great.  Pam and I will have a chat and see what we can sort out.  There are several good meeting places in Ludlow so I'm sure we can come up with something. 
            • Hurrah!!
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