Good morning, this is my first post to the square circle but not my last.


Last year my husband and I went to South Africa for a Saga holiday and came back once again totally smitten by the lovely people and their country. We travelled from Cape Town by plane and coach all the way to Zambia, and like a sponge sucking everything in on the way.


One of the ladies in our group, who belonges to the WI, spoke of charities for children they support around the world, so bells started ringing and Phil (my husband) and I decided to do something ourselves. After a visit to "Silver City", (our guides decription) we knew where our charity was to be.

My mum 90, my daughter and grandaughter and I knitted and sent the first package costing £26.00. But this time the cost was £54.00 which we feel is a bit excessive.


What I am asking does anyone know of a cheaper way to send the completed goods plse.


Thank you Lynn





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  • Dear Lynn,  I've come to terms with the postage costs by reminding myself that we are truly making a 'real' difference to those children's lives.  When you think of all the billions of charity money that has been spent on Africa over the past 50 years without making a material difference to the average family. Even recently there is the sad tale of popstar Madonna donating several million pounds for the building of a school in Malawi - the money has been spent, but not a brick laid!


    Even though it appears costly, everyone of those squares reaches a child, and, best of all, the Grandmothers and Orphanages are for the first time feeling that the world hasn't forgotten them.  They appreciate the effort & time we put into the knitting and now enjoy the process of team-working with us to ensure more and more children are feeling warm and cared for.  Squares for blankets are the most important item as cardigans etc have to be sized matched.


    Your families output is amazing and will provide  2 blankets every 3 weeks!  Taking direct action is much more powerful - well done.


  • Hello Lynn, lovely to have you with us.

    You don't mention how big your parcel was or how you sent it. From this country the most economical way we have found is  to send by Surface Mail, using Small Packet Rate. Packages can be up to 2kg in weight and not be bigger than 90cm total dimensions (length+height+width). Postage has just gone up again but this size parcel costs about £14 I believe. Heavier parcels cost considerably more.

    I get given a lot of squares and sometimes have quite big mailings to send. My friendly postmaster checked for me once and sending two or three small packages worked out at less than half the price of sending one big one. The other advantage of smaller packets is that one can often avoid sending a box. All boxes apparently incur a small duty charge in South Africa but so far packets haven't done so if correctly marked 'Charity Knitting Only - No Commercial Value.'

    We are trying to find alternative methods of sending items - there are carriers who could take goods but this does present logistical problems which have not been resolved yet.

    I hope this answers your question. KAS values your support and would hate to lose you.


    • Hello Christine


      Thank you for the information on postage. I took a parcel that was just over 2kg, wrapped in a plastic bag and then brown paper. The post office lady was quite nice and said to break it down into 2 parcels and save £11, making them about £21 each. Have scoured the internet for a cheaper rate as my mum and I are averaging about 20-30 squares a week, we have stopped with the jumpers and hats for the time being.


      Will have to see if I can't find a sponsor !!!!!!!


      Thank you again Lynn

      • Hi Lynn,

        It does rather sound as if your parcels went Air Mail.

        The maximum for 2kg, within size limits Christine has already mentioned should be £ 14.36 Surface Mail

        This price chart for Small Packets may help

      • That still seems an awful lot. I've got 115 to post this week - I'll let you know how I get on.
        • Hi Lynn,

          I've just come back from the Post Office having sent the first batch of accumulated squares.

          I had 110 squares (plus slip-ins), a total weight of 3174 g. The cost was £31.76 so it is a bit dearer to send in smaller packets as 2 X 2kg boxes could have have gone for under £29. I just find it easier to deal with the smaller amounts and I also feel that if one goes astray (and hardly any ever do) not much is lost. I do have another 50-60 squares to send plus my own stuff so I might see if I can get it all into one box later this week.

          It does sound as if your mailing must have gone via Air Mail so at least it will get there quickly.

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