square list

I have just found my name on the square list for the first lot of squares I sent, it's so exciting to know that you are doing something to help others and it feels so rewarding to be part of a fantastic and caring group of people. I am so made up.

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  • Isn't it fantastic Sharon - that's what is so good about KAS - it is direct aid straight to where it is needed - thank you for helping to keep children warm.

  • Yes, Sharon, sometimes it takes a while, but they do get there in the end.  So you can know for absolute certainly you have made a difference! The Ladies of Soweto Comfort Club used to think the world didn't care about the children and their plight until KAS arrived.  They very much appreciate that KasFolk not only give money (postage), but time and effort in knitting/crocheting squares and garments. It was a relief for the mostly Grandmothers, that they were not forgotten. We are made up for you!

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