If you have landed on this page, it’s because you clicked on the blue DONATE button on our Facebook page. As promised, being here won’t cost you a cent unless you choose, but it gives us a chance to explain a bit more about

                        How Knit-a-Square Operates

If you are not a knitter, or you are just too busy to crochet squares, if you are a follower of our Facebook page because you love to see the joy on the faces of the children who receive our blankets and wish you could participate in some other way, you’ve come to the right page.

Making and sending squares is only one half of our project. 

The other half is on the ground in South Africa where our team of volunteers sort and bundle squares in a facility which we must rent.  Other volunteers distribute the blankets in a vehicle on loan to us, but we have to fill the gas tank.  We pay a very small stipend to the Gogos who sew our squares into blankets, but it represents a large segment of our budget. Starting in 2018, we became subject to a mandatory handling fee of $3.75 US on every parcel we receive, charged by the South African Customs and excise.


Dealing with thousands of blankets each year means there are a myriad of other small expenses each month, but it all adds up, even though we are adept at operating on a shoestring.


The graph below shows our income and expenses for the year 2018 and demonstrates why we depend on donations from our generous supporters.

You do not have to be a member of Knit-a-Square to help us with our vital mission of warming as many vulnerable children as we can. If you are able and if you choose, you can help us with our ‘on the ground’ expenses by clicking on the  in the right sidebar of this page where you can become an ongoing monthly subscriber or make a one-off donation.  Even $5 per month will enable us to reach more needy children.



You can also support us by making a purchase from our KAS Shop (here) It is jam-packed with items that directly benefit our children in South Africa and personal items for your own use or gift giving. But whichever you choose, a full 100% of all purchases directly goes to our work on the ground.





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