I forgot to say, Shirley, that if you go to the Main Page (click on it above) you will see below the center photo slide show a link to the New Member Guide. That page will give you a lot of information about navigating around this site. We are working to make it simpler believe me. It includes my rather convoluted way of reaching the Discussion Threads. :)
Hi Shirley, this is a copy of my reply to you on Patterns: Hope you have a super trip! :)
Shirley any size yarn and needles will work so long as the finished dimensions of the square equal 8 inches in width and height (give or take an inch, it's not exact and the squares stretch to fit when being sewn up). Whatever needle size works with the yarn you have is perfect, believe me. The point is to stop chill winds from reaching immune compromised little bodies so whatever makes up into a nice wind-stopping square is perfect!
Hi Shirley. welcome to knit-a-square and to the Square Circle Forum! Very glad you've found us. If you have any questions please ask and someone will help you out.
welcome Shirley
Hi Shirley, this is a copy of my reply to you on Patterns: Hope you have a super trip! :)
Shirley any size yarn and needles will work so long as the finished dimensions of the square equal 8 inches in width and height (give or take an inch, it's not exact and the squares stretch to fit when being sewn up). Whatever needle size works with the yarn you have is perfect, believe me. The point is to stop chill winds from reaching immune compromised little bodies so whatever makes up into a nice wind-stopping square is perfect!
Hi Shirley. welcome to knit-a-square and to the Square Circle Forum! Very glad you've found us. If you have any questions please ask and someone will help you out.
There is a thread for introducing yourself, you can find it here: http://square-circle-forum.ning.com/forum/topics/hello-this-is-me-w...
I look forward to getting to know you around the forum :)