Hi Sammantha...and welcome to KAS from the west side of Oz.
We are so glad you have joined us in warming the children of South Africa.
Do you knit, crochet or perhaps both?
If you would like to check out our interesting and lively discussions please click on the 'forum' tab located at the top of this page.
To view some fantastic photos of our members work you might like to click on the 'photo' tab also at top of page. When you have completed some items you may like to post some of your own...no pressure...lol.
We are a friendly bunch, always encouraging and supporting our fellow KASers where possiblle, so if you have any questions...please ask..and someone will answer.
Hi Sammantha
Happy Birthday....I hope its a great day for you. :)
Lucky you.This trip is something wonderful to look forward to....can't wait to see your bumble bee jumper.
Happy knitting!
Hi Samm
I love your enthusiasm.....wow...you are going to be very busy by the sound of things.
Is your trip to S. Africa for pleasure and/or study?
Yes, there is definitely lots to read on this site...I love that its global...you get to chat to so many people from different walks of life.
I, too, have a Sam...my middle son... he's 22.
Please post some pics (only if you would like to, of course) when you have completed some items...we all love to see what each other is doing.
Well the washing awaits and it is very windy here today...good drying weather.
Cya around, no doubt. :)
Happy knitting!
Hi Sammantha...and welcome to KAS from the west side of Oz.
We are so glad you have joined us in warming the children of South Africa.
Do you knit, crochet or perhaps both?
If you would like to check out our interesting and lively discussions please click on the 'forum' tab located at the top of this page.
To view some fantastic photos of our members work you might like to click on the 'photo' tab also at top of page. When you have completed some items you may like to post some of your own...no pressure...lol.
To learn more about the achievements of KAS you can click on the following and be truly inspired: http://www.knit-a-square.com/Square_Circle-backissues.html.
We are a friendly bunch, always encouraging and supporting our fellow KASers where possiblle, so if you have any questions...please ask..and someone will answer.
Most of all.... enjoy being part of KAS.