The 2024 Distribution Season has Started


With The Barn relocating to a different area in Johannesburg there are ample opportunities

for distributions to New-to-KAS Creches. 

Join us on our 2024 journey to Warm The Children in South Africa with Blankets, Beanies, and Hand- Warmers...Soft Cuddly Toys, too.

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  • On Sunday, July 21, Wandi blessed these children with KAS blankets, beanies and hand-warmers.  Thank you for the lovely photos Wandi!



    • Thanks for posting these fabulous photos so promptly Amy...stunning blankets thanks to all our contributors. 

  • There are some beautiful blankets in that distribution. I'm sure there were some happy children.

  • Here is a collage of photos from the Tshokwane project - 60-odd blankets made and distributed by Kelly and her group.


    Tshokwane kids so happy with their gorgeous colourful blankets …


  •  Wandi handed out beanies and hand warmers on the streets of Soweto.


  • Athele was recently on the road, traveling in BlueBird and made this touching distribution in Limpopo...



    From The Barn to Limpopo


    First batch of delight brought to this very impoverished area in Limpopo by contributors to KnitASquare from around the globe. I believe the kiddies and mothers’ delight is evident in many of these images I managed to snap in the blur of handing out. Cathy Riley, please thank all those who sent all the lovely baby blankets and matinee jackets. Was lovely to be able to give those as well!
    I distributed 18 full size totals Limpopo this time.











































































































    12673753863?profile=RESIZE_400x12673750257?profile=RESIZE_400x I only had tiny toys for the children, but they were received with such joy and gratitude to KnitASquare contributors who sent them to us for vulnerable children like these. This delightful little girl danced with joy.


    I only had tiny toys for the children, but they were received with such joy and gratitude to KnitAS…
    I only had tiny toys for the children, but they were received with such joy and gratitude to KnitASquare contributors who sent them to us for vulnera…
    • Thank you for all the wonderful photos, Athele. It is so encouraging to hear how much our work is appreciated. I'm sure it spurs us all on to work even harder and faster!

  • On June 20, Vivienne and Wandi 2 headed to Thembisa once again for a distribution to a new creche with precious children.

    12669807665?profile=RESIZE_400x12669811090?profile=RESIZE_400x12669807885?profile=RESIZE_400xMore warm children in this icy weather.

    12669811499?profile=RESIZE_400xWe gathered enough TOPS to distribute as well.


  • More photos posted by Athele from her June 12 Distribution.

    12665478486?profile=RESIZE_400xGreat big heart ❤️ from Karla was the center of my design surrounded by squares from Sharon Bedgood, Cathy Riley, and a couple from Carolyn Stone.

    12665478884?profile=RESIZE_400xThis little girl loved her blanket not sure where the LOVE squares came from. I got quite a few from Elaine Joubert and many others.

    12665479075?profile=RESIZE_400xA Karen Gordon beanie, a Cathy Riley toy and about 20 squares Elaine Joubert recycled for me to make this blanket.

    12665479267?profile=RESIZE_400xAmy's famous Lighthouse crab stitched together by Liz Gyldenhuis.

    12665479467?profile=RESIZE_400xDearest little chap…tractors from Ada Breeuwer another one put together by Liz.

    12665479680?profile=RESIZE_400xAnother  Amy 🩷 black edged squares from Elaine, turquoise squares from Patricia Underwood not sure about the rest. I’m blessed to have such beautiful squares to work with.

    12665479696?profile=RESIZE_400xI loved doing this one. 99% of the squares are from Elaine.

     This little chap didn’t even have his arm’s covered on such a cold afternoon.

    12665480076?profile=RESIZE_400xThis guy couldn’t stop thanking us for his blanket.


    Chris Chiplen as we were short of a few blankets I took a chance opening your
    parcel before our opening day knowing that you usually send completed.
    12665480661?profile=RESIZE_400xA memory blanket I made last year for Jeanne Hessler. The squares were all made by her KAS friends.
    12665480499?profile=RESIZE_400x12665480869?profile=RESIZE_400xA gorgeous blanket from Liz with beautiful squares from Karla.
    12665480886?profile=RESIZE_400x12665481452?profile=RESIZE_400x12665481479?profile=RESIZE_400xI loved making up this blanket. 
    12665481096?profile=RESIZE_400xThis mum was delighted to get this soft cuddly blanket for her baby from Anne Wolstenholme.
    12665482071?profile=RESIZE_400x12665481879?profile=RESIZE_400xThe dearest little soul admiring her doll and she loved the twinkle in her blanket
    - squares are from Julia Martin and stitched together by Liz.
    12665482279?profile=RESIZE_400xIt was a treat to work with this map of the world from Sharon B.
    12665482869?profile=RESIZE_400x12665482885?profile=RESIZE_400xSquares from Linda Curtis.
    12665483072?profile=RESIZE_400xBright green an matching beanie from Karen G.
    12665483656?profile=RESIZE_400x12665483667?profile=RESIZE_400xI think this is one that Cahty Riley made and sent with her latest shipment.
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