
  • Opening Day at Estelle's - 13th February.


    • I recognise 3 of my squares in this batch - such fun picking them out!

  • More blankets from the Protea South Gogos.


  • Some blankets from the Protea South Gogo Group.


  • Opening Day 8th February. We start with 3 blankets from Amy and 1 from Diane Burns. Others from Kath, Viv, Lorraine, Wandi, and Norma's Gogo Group. I've spotted my 123 square in the middle of one of the Gogo blankets!


    • WOW!! Started to do my usual 'pick a fave', but there is just so many beautiful, colourful, bright, textured, striped blankets that it is impossible to single one out.

    • Love the colours you have used Amy. 

      The ninth blanket is absolutely stunning! 

  • Just a few blankets today, but what beauties they are - 4 from Estelle, 4 from Sharon B., 2 from Lorraine, and 3 from Karen Gordon.


  • Twenty-One blankets joined by Liz.


  • Fifteen fabulous blankets sewn together by Audrey.


    I see several of my squares in the 6th blanket down - thank you Audrey!

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