I can't believe I have another cold[or flu?]!!! My sick leave at work has reached astronomical proportions and I am very nervous about it. However, in the meantime another days work another days pay and I hope I can keep going!
I had a lovely day yesterday with my very big son. I wasn't sick then. We went to Spotlight my favourite place on earth for yarn. I bought ten balls for ten dollars and we tried on these silly masks and took photos of each other. Yes I know the rule is don't touch if you're not going to buy but it was hysterical. So lovely to have fun with a grown up son. I then went to dinner with a dear friend and sneezed y way through her lovely dinner. there was a progamme on TV Midsommer Mysteries and the woman who got murdered had my maiden name. Nothing like watching yourself as the centre of a muder mystery! Unfortunately I had to go home before I found out who did it! Darn!
I am posting off a box full as only one of my smaller parcels has shown up in the count. Maybe the others are taking longer to get there. Anyway it is fun to load up a box. A couple of Go Overs were hanging around and a vest so I could get them away too.
Catch up with your guys and gals later. I haven't seen much of Robert lately?
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Hi Sue
Gotta 'fess up. After getting off the net I thought I would just lay on the sofa for a few minutes and the next thing I knew it was nearly eight oclock!! I must have been tired!! And usually someone is up wanting something. After I got my middle son some coffee and toast I knitted for a while and got half way up the back of a jumper for KAS.
Well best go and do some ironing before work...I envy you being organised.
Have a great week...and Happy knitting!!
It would be great fun to enter the Joann craft competition. What a great opportunity. USA people are doing rather well for KAS this year with PP and now this. Never mind we'll be cheering from the sidelines and hopefully admiring some pics.
I think I have to go my cat is standing with her paws on the table patting my arm every few seconds which usually means what about me- what about me!
Well I certainly haven't been blogging for a while and had some great conversations by the look of it. I have spent the second half of ANZAC day cooking Julia Child's beef bourgignon exacly as her recipe said and it is an all afternoon job.I enjoyed it the cooking I mean, the food itself had an after taste or something. But then I am not fond of wine and it had three cups!!! Yes really !!I I made it for my son and flatmates and my mother as my son is recovering from an op and my mother from a fall. Everyone is well on the road to recovery. I see I spent a great deal of my previous blogging complaining about flu or something. 2011 was a good year health wise for me so maybe that's why I didn't blog !!
I knitted all morning and watched old soldiers talking about their experiences in Italy. I have bought moda vera whisp in a bright yellow. I love the colour but I have had to unpick a vest three times. It just doesn't seem to work for me. I decided to finish off another yellow cardigan instead made in thoroughbred which is easier to knit. I managed about 3 more bright squares last weekend and I have a package of 20 and some socks I hope to send this weekend. I love that we are over the 100,000. My the numbers have grown even in the last year. Facebook has helped a lot and there are some fabulous pictures on facebook and tons of Grace's vests.
It is nearly bedtime for me so if there is someone up while I am sleeping tell me what you got up to today !
Hi Sue - Julia Child's beef bourgignon sounds impressive... hope it was enjoyed by all :) Have you seen the film about her with Meryl Streep? - It had me in stitches when poor Julie was trying to cook lobster thermidor. I'm not a very good cook and was tempted to set my sights a bit lower and work through a Delia Smith book after the film instead, lol.... I only got around to three or four of the recipes though. I didn't quite have Julie's commitment.
Your camellia-coloured squares will be lovely. Happy knitting. x
Yes Karen I saw the movie and loved it. I would like to see it again really. I will look up Delia Smith as I don't know about her. The second Julia's beef bourgignon made today is better. Mother's request and I am taking it over to her to have dinner together tonight. I hope to eat something different next week ! I would like to have a go at cassoulet it is about 30 odd years since I made it !! Anyone out there got a good way of making it?
The garden challenge is looking to be as bright and beautiful as the flags. I am in awe of what you are all making !
Some kind person has asked me to be a friend and everytime I click on friend request it bounes back to what it was. I'll have another go later. Many thanks whoever you are I managed OK with one yesterday.
Hi Sue
I was just reading some of your earlier posts and saw that your favourite yarn store was Spotlight. Mine, too, here in Oz. Don't they have some great stuff!!! That is where I got my 100% wool that I have just made my latest vests and squares from. Their sales are FANTASTIC!!
Yes Bev I looove spotlight !! It is my weekend treat to sneak off there for a peek !! The staff all greet me like a personal friend ! One of our branches closed down and a huge new one opened a couple of k's away. It has so much yarn! I agree their sales are great and of course the grand opening sale was fantastic. I expect there will be another sale at Queen's Birthday . I do hope that they one day step up for KAS and do some posting !
Well I don'tknow how to make an entry after Bev's without a reply button at the end so I am replying to my own ! Bev you are amzing 3.30 am and still wide awake enough to knit ! I hope your son did well and that they had a good day together.
I have been rummaging around my yarn cupboard today and found some variegated yearn I never liked much liked but it is knitting up quite nicely in a garter stitch square. I tried it out in all sorts of ways and stitches. It is obviously destined to be a plain jane in pink blue and white.
I also at last took up the hems on two pairs of pants and shortened the sleeves on a wet weather jacket. It is a year since I bought it ! I also made my lunches for the next three days. I feel very well organised -not a typical state for me !
Happy knitting and crocheting everyone !