Welcome to our first 'themed' month for 2024.......
When thinking of diagonals, I liken it to climbing a mountain (or maybe a small hill. I'm afraid of heights!). You can go quickly at the bottom (short rows)....but then as you near the 'summit', the 'path' takes longer....until there you are... 'at the top' (finished increasing your stitches) and then you're laughing, 'cos now it's downhill (decreasing stitches) all the way.....and by the time you approach the finish line, you're practically sprinting (through those last, ever-decreasing rows)!!
Stripes, in all manner, including diagonal stripes, create some of THE most snazzy and interesting blankets. They are also a good way to use up any little leftovers you may still have, hanging around from other projects....Thin stripes, thick stripes, diagonal stripes....all fun, all pretty, all GREAT!!
Let's start the year off with a BANG!!
CoM (colour of the month) is...


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  • Wow Sharon, you saved the best for last. Absolutely brilliant.

  • Thank you Bev for a great month.  

    I am finishing up some orange squares and sewing in tails on a stripey blanket... Will post soon.

  • I bought this yarn, thinking it was mostly various shades of orange with a little white and some purple...


    But when I knit it up, it looked mostly purple and white with very little orange.   You never know what's hiding inside the skein.   Added various oranges for the other half of the squares to make the "orange".


    • What DELIGHTFUL hidden surprises that were in your ball of yarn, Sharon. I LOVE these squares.  :))

    • Smashing diagonal squares.  Very Southwestern look here.

    • Your little tale made me smile - you did well thinking mid project + adapting your original plan so skillfully.   I'm impressed the colours tone fabulously + the way you've laid them out this way is intriguing too ♥️

    • I love the way the added orange enhances this yarn, Sharon.

  • Wow Bev those are lovely. They are gorgeous.

  • Trying to make a blanket out of striped mitre squares, inspired by a couple of  beauties Sandra Jones made last year......alas, I'm only just under half way. No prizes for guessing what's going to be on my needles in February.  :))

    Unfortunately there has been a little 'dye bleeding' into other colours; during production of, I am guessing. 

    P.s. This is a self-striping yarn. (hate sewing in lots of ends)


    • Very different project from  you Bev ♥️. Smashing yarn to use for this style of square ✔️⭐

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