
  • A little late, many plans, so little time.  :))

    June 2019 Theme - Seasonal Delights

    Eight little blue birds...LOVE Spring when the birds nest in our shrubs.

    • I love these  little birds...... love the squares that they are nesting in too!

    • Never too late, Bev, especially for such amazing squares - beautiful colours, and the bluebirds are gorgeous!

    • Absolutely delightful Bev, you are the applique queen ✅

    • Wow! June went by in a heartbeat! I soooo appreciate you hosting June, Lesley...great job!!  xo


  • 3176257913?profile=RESIZE_710xThank you to everyone who contributed to the June theme - it's been really exciting to see how it's been interpreted.  I'm still battling to add all the photos to the album, but ning isn't co-operating - I hope they'll all be there eventually!

  • Thank you Lesley for hosting this month’s theme, Seasonal Delights....... they were delightful!3170097656?profile=RESIZE_710x

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    5 new soft toys as a gesture to all the animals in our seasons

    (stretching the boundaries of association to the theme a little - but they're cute!)

    • Stretched boundaries are okay with me, Karen, and I agree about how cute these little guys are - thank you.

      • Five SWEETIES, Karen!! The joy of our themes is that 'anything goes' and is relatable.  :))

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