
The KAS Shop is an integral part of keeping KAS alive to provide help for the children in South Africa.   The funds raised through purchases from the KAS Shop are greatly needed to help cover expenses such as The Barn rent, the postal collection charges, fuel for the KAS van and the stipend for the Gogo's for each blanket sewn up.

A massive outgoing from the KAS funds is the mandatory customs and handling fee of $3.75US per parcel.    This is a charge the South African Customs and Excise enforce no matter what size of parcel is collected.   Therefore it is an ongoing regular outlay, and it is vital this proportion of expense is supported to keep our crafting flowing to where it is needed most.

Donations are most welcome whether they are as you can afford them, or by setting up a monthly donation.    Both are easily arranged by pressing the Donate button to the right of the Main Page in the Forum, or by making a purchase from our well stocked KAS Shop full of fundraising departments.  

Remember 100% of every KAS Shop purchase goes directly to KAS......and every penny counts!!    Thank you X


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  • 12347272663?profile=RESIZE_180x180Happy New Year 2024!!

    I'd like to wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy year ahead.   Hold your love ones close and make time to take care of you.   Relax and unwind with your wool or meet up with like minded people to create more.   Our charity needs your regular makes and support.     Can I remind you that the KAS Store is always open for business and the children benefit from every dollar spent.  

    Auntie Nellie xx xx

  • 12324126486?profile=RESIZE_180x180

    Hey folks - just stopped by to encourage you to pop into the KAS Shop to browse our selection of cards, and perhaps pop a little extra into your basket to help Rhonda and the team of hard toiling volunteers cope in their new surroundings and bring cheer to the beautiful children they help us warm.   Please make time to stop by before the end of the year if you can.   Lots of Love to You All, Auntie Nellie xx xx

  • 12131948693?profile=RESIZE_710x

    Come along to the KAS Shop girls and boys.   Our store is always open and really needs your support, pretty please ♥️ Auntie Nellie xx

    • Thanks Aunt Nellie for the reminder, which has come at a very opportune time…. Andrea posted this today in KAS finances:

      “Things are still hard for people and donations are down. Ronda and her team are having to cut expenses where they can but huge piles of post are coming in on a daily basis.

      If you can help, please do. Every dollar is appreciated!”

  • Hi everyone.   As I have mailed 3 parcels to South Africa today I popped into the KAS Shop today to cover my postage handling fees, and while there I happened to bump into Auntie Nellie!  

    She sends her regards and says she'd love to see and chat with any of our kind members who have time and cash to spend in store.

    She also told me that distributions are going along thick and fast it would be handy to cover expenses for fuel while shopping please....   An emotional reminder that the children are feeling the cold in the low temperatures just now.       Your love and attention are always appreciated, Karen x

  • Thanks for the reminder, I’ve just popped into the shop!

  • Right now girls and boys - our shop needs you!   

    The Gogo groups have been very busy sewing your magnificent squares together so beautifully, and I'm sure they'd appreciate your support by stepping into our KAS Shop and covering their wage.   The stipend fees are the mainstay of getting our precious squares to the point of becoming an essential item.    Please stop by the store and slip an item or 2 into your basket when you can.    Our circle needs to perpetually move on so the children can feel our love, support and keep warm.

    Thank you all in advance and keep on hooking and clicking!11200166878?profile=RESIZE_710x

    Auntie Nellie xx xx11200206268?profile=RESIZE_710x

    • Thanks for the reminder, Auntie Nellie.....and as I have seen some of my squares have arrived this week, I best visit the shop to help complete the process. Those ladies do a fabulous job!!

      May I add, you're looking gorgeous...and ageless.......hahaha.  xo

      • 11273411869?profile=RESIZE_710x

        Oh Bev my dear, you do make me titter..... ♥️

  • 11031377478?profile=RESIZE_710xWell what a busy week I've had in the KAS Shop!   It was thrilling to see so many of you stop by to spend a little cash and have a chat or two along the way.   We are a kind and friendly bunch!   Thank you for the support recently and to everyone else - you'll always find a warm welcome within our store to pop in any time.    Auntie Nellie xx xx 11031377885?profile=RESIZE_710x

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