From Egypt12437660453?profile=RESIZE_584x

To Victoria Falls


Africa has many incredible destinations to visit.

There are such amazing and unique animals,

From Lions


to Elephants


Or Penguins


Maybe an Ostrich

12437664052?profile=RESIZE_400xAnd for sure the Giraffes


AFRICA has so many things for the children to explore and enjoy.

This month let us celebrate all that is Africa and embrace the colors of the South African Flag.


The Colors of the Month are Yellow and Gold.

We cannot wait to see your creations...


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  • 12621136877?profile=RESIZE_400x

    12621138673?profile=RESIZE_400xI started this blanket in February but ran out of time to finish it.   The neon orange in this was super bright and fun to work with, but I found calming it down a little with the black for the second strand worked.    I used the leftovers from this bright blanket for 6 hats, and made 4 hats and square with other random balls. 

    The crochet toys were made by my good friend Mina.   I gave her 2 kits from Aldi last summer which she made while pretty poorly.    Happily she was able to finish and return them to me for KAS before she sadly died in March.   I've enjoyed looking at them on my sideboard since then, but feel now it's time to send them off for their adventure in South Africa. 

    • My goodness never run out of steam!

    • Hello Karen,

      Very sorry for your loss. 

      The toys are very cute

      Love your blankets and all those hats!

      The yellow, pink, lilac and cream blanket is my favorite one:-)


    • Three more beautiful blankets (and hats), Karen. I really can't pick a favourite. I'm sure Mina's toys will bring much comfort to a needy child.

    • So sorry for your loss, Karen. xo Mina sure was a great crafter. The children will love a cuddle with these cuties.

      LOVE this blanket!!! GREAT choice to make the orange the border. This...and your hats, will surely pop a smile on the faces of the children.


  • I like to make at least one blanket each year using the colours of the South African flag so here is this year's offering.


    • This blanket is truly awe-inspiring.   I can't imagine how you worked it all out.   It will be a treasure for decades to come.

      To all the other contributors whose beautiful and thoughtful work is displayed here, thank you for all your wonderful work.  Covid caught me again, and knocked me off my feet for awhile, and it was such a treat to get back into the swing of things by looking through these pages at all the cute applique squares, fun hats, cozy blankets.  It was a sight for sore eyes, and brought a big smile to my face.  Many thanks to all.

      • Thank you, Sharon. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I hardly dare say it but I'm with Bev on this one - I haven't had it either.

      • Hope you're well and truly on the mend now, Sharon. xo

        I say this with fingers and toes crossed.....I am yet to experience it.

        • Thanks, friends, for your thoughts.   I hope you never have to experience this miserable virus.  I've had it 3 times now; the last 2 were due to the hubster's business travels.  He came home feeling like he was coming down with a cold, then tested positive for covid a day or two later.   About 2 or 3 days later, I tested positive, too.  We've been vaccinated with all the boosters, including one in April, but it still took the stuffing out of me, left me with a cough, and serious fatigue, but at least no need for hospitalization.  Be careful and keep up your good record.

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