Every year, an annual subscription fee is paid to Weebly, the company that hosts our KAS Shop. This also includes a domain name fee so that we can own knit-a-square-southafrica.com. The total amount is $334.90 US.

Due to the shuffle with, and updating of the KAS forum, I covered the full cost of the renewal in 2023.

Are you able to help cover this cost by purchasing a square?

If so, please choose a square number between 1 and 35 for $10 US each and send your donation via PayPal to me, the shopkeeper, at palmatier.squared@gmail.com.

I will keep track of every penny that comes in and let you know when the total has been reached.

If, by chance, we receive more than we need, the balance will be sent to Ronda to help with administration costs in South Africa.


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  • Dear Andrea, just for your info, I twice transferred money to you, which is completely okay. The first transfer was not the amount that I had in mind, so I have topped it up. With the 2nd donation I forgot to mention the purpose of the transfer, hopefully my name is sufficient. xoxoxo

  • Please, Andrea, may I have squares 15 and 30. I've sent my donation via PayPal.

  • Dear  Andrea, Thank you so much for informing us and for covering the costs. Since we ALL have the benefit of having knit-a-square.com and especially the Forum where people around the globe become friends, exchange ideas, inspire each other to make beautiful warm squares, blankets and many other goodies for the children and last but not least we stay informed by reports and photos about "What's going on in South Africa", I like to support too.   I transferred money through paypal on July 6th, your name is in my paypal account, hopefully it is still the same e-mail address, I can't view it (strange, but true, I can only see your avatar and name).

    Have a wonderful weekend! 


  • Andrea, I have sent you 30 USD via paypal. Thank you for organizing this for us......and THANKYOU SO MUCH for covering the costs in 2023.

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