Every year, an annual subscription fee is paid to Weebly, the company that hosts our KAS Shop. This also includes a domain name fee so that we can own knit-a-square-southafrica.com. The total amount is $334.90 US.

Due to the shuffle with, and updating of the KAS forum, I covered the full cost of the renewal in 2023.

Are you able to help cover this cost by purchasing a square?

If so, please choose a square number between 1 and 35 for $10 US each and send your donation via PayPal to me, the shopkeeper, at palmatier.squared@gmail.com.

I will keep track of every penny that comes in and let you know when the total has been reached.

If, by chance, we receive more than we need, the balance will be sent to Ronda to help with administration costs in South Africa.


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Email me when people reply –


  • Thank you Andrea for organising this fundraiser and a special thanks for so generously covering last years subscription fee.

  • Thanks for the update, Andrea!!

    Yay!! That is good news.


    Thank you to everyone who contribued to our KAS Shop fundraiser! Our blanket is complete and some extra money was raised. Your kind contributions are appreciated!

  • Good morning Andrea, please allocate squares 28 and 33 for me please, thanks.

  • Hi Andrea, had a family collection and purchased squares.  Thanks for doing this appeal.


  • Hi Andrea, please can allocate square 18 for me, thank you!

  • Thank you so much for bring this to our attention Andrea.  Put me down for 23 and 27.

  • Thank you, Bev, Anneke (twice!), Patricia, Karen & Chris for contributing to our KasShop fees! Your kindness and generosity are deeply and sincerely appreciated.

    We're off to a booming start with our blanket!

  • Thank you very much Andrea for covering the cost in 2023 and for arranging this fund raiser.
    Please could I have squares 1 and 35, I have sent my donation. 

  • I'm about to send $20 for this cause.   Thank you for arranging this.   I'm sorry my eye has been off the ball lately - I must contact Auntie Nellie + remind her to up her encouragement with regard shop turnover xx

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