After many hours of mouse moving and keyboard pushing, our all new, redesigned website is finally back online. What a great way to celebrate Knit-a-square's 10th anniversary!
Please visit and explore the site. You might see your hard work featured there! Click around to see the brand new design and feel free to let us know what you think, or if you find anything that isn't quite right. Exploring our new website will also tell Google that we're back and get KAS' name out there again.
More free patterns will be uploaded daily and we're going to set up an area to submit patterns as well. The Teacher Resource is coming, as is a Square Gallery, where your wonderful work will be featured. But for now, Phase I is complete.
Dear Andrea, I am have created a beautiful website! Love it. Everything is soooo professional and it is a feast for the eyes to look at. The design is stunning, font style, colours, lay out, nice and clear, everything! Can't express my feelings about it in a proper way, but each icon I see makes me curious and I immediately push the buttons to see the story or news behind it! Thank you so much from the bottom of heart for the hard work, it must have taken many, many hours! You are a genius, with passion and love for the children in SA and for us to be able to communicate and share worldwide. xoxoxo
Also big thanks to Sandy, who also made this all possible!
Aneke,you are the sweet one. Thank you so much for your kind words and support! I could never have done it without Sandy’s design help.
Thank you dear Andrea, you and Sandy deserve a gold medal! My world should look completely different without having KAS and Create Care Global..... Sooo happy that I can support vulnerable children....and communicate and share, all over the world....
Oops!!! In my enthusiasm I forgot to mention how thrilled and happy I was to see my photos appear on the website in the section "patterns"! A big thank you, I feel very honored!
You deserve it! Your work is so beautiful and I can tell you take a lot of time and patience to photograph it all.
I agree, KAS has definitely changed the shape of my life, and so many others as well.
Its beautiful! It really is a wonderful opening to the work of KAS.
My only query is that mentioning a 18" tail on the square needed for sewing up isn't mentioned higher up but only when instructions on sewing up are given.
Thank you , Mary. I’ve repeated the line about the tail length above where it was before.
The new website looks wonderful! Thank you for your hard work to get this resource up and running again with a new look!
Sincere thanks Andrea for all the time you have invested in creating this new website, your skills are greatly appreciated. It will take time for us to get used to the new site, but from 'dipping in' this morning I can see an enormous amount of work has been done!
You mentioned that it would be ok to let you know if something wasn't quite right, I have a few comments:
I hope you don't mind me sending these queries Andrea, I feel very guilty after all the time and effort you have put into creating this site. A big thank you!
Thank you, Christine. I had a feeling that the Square Heart award didn't exist anymore.
The postal address appears in about a hundred places on the site but I'll shift the address up above the barn. Good point.
As for the phone numbers, Sandy put those in (and the address for the barn). I'll raise the concern with her.
Thank you for taking the time to check the site!
Andrea, after so much work, it is only right that we should read it through. The contact details are clear and in a good order in the other places on the site, it is only the order in the 'Contact' section that I was refering to.