What's on Your Needles and Hooks in April 2024?

What's on your hooks and needles in April 2024?
What surprises await your fellow KASers, from your hooks and needles this month?
I hope it's lots of this.....
and this....
and this....
and this.....
But none of this...............
Colour of the Month (CoM) is
Now some might consider brown a pretty boring colour to put in a child's blanket, but there are soooo many shades......and it complements sooooo many other colours. I'm thinking mint green , lemon,  lilac and lavender, turquoise...to name a few. So, if you have some 'browns' lurking in the bottom of your stash, drag them out...this is their moment (month) to shine!! 


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    • Whatever the color, the blanket looks wonderful.   The bright, cheerful color is sure to make a child happy every day.


      Wehey!.... found a way to show the true colours (by contrast to others). 


    • It looks green on my screen, Karen, but still very bright and very beautiful!

      • Ho ho my number 90 was bright green + black.   Really struggled to represent how zingy the neon yellow was... 😎💛

        • Looks SUPER bright and cheery, Karen....and will certainly delight the child lucky enough to receive it.  :)) LOVE the solid stripes of black.

  • I tied to pick a favourite. Bottom left, bottom right, then I saw the black and red, the pink and blue, the greens, black and white , and so it went on and on.

    They are all my favourites. It wouldn't be fair to pick only one. Wow Karen they are fabulous, and your tally is amazing. As Patricia said I'm sure by now the 1,000 one is knitted and ready to mail. Well done.


  • 12423536084?profile=RESIZE_710x

    20 double strand hats which makes my current tally 990 - only 10 more to go to reach the magic 1000............!!

    • These are the most fabulous hats Karen...the fit is amazing and they just keep on coming! 

    • Fantastic hats, Karen, and an unbelievable number.   Warm children all across South Africa thank you.

    • You've probably made those 10 by the time I've read this, Karen! An excellent achievement.

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