Please go to the U.S. Forum page on the KAS website and read about a new fund-raising drive to raise funds for a newer vehicle for Ronda. She is in great need of a more reliable car to take the blankets and hats to the creches and the squares to the stitchers. A donation of any amount is valuable. Thanks
Hi, Arfisher! I thought I would reply off-Forum with a personal note. Just learned you are in Richmond...........I grew up in Charlottesville. Was just there last fall. I know Midlothian as my Dad's family, the Morrissettes, who were Huguenots, are from there.
You really do need to use the poly bags. I had no luck finding them in the office supply stores though in the 20x20 size I needed and ended up ordering from ebay. Trouble is the orders have to be so big - 50 at a time. That's fine for me because I send so many squares a year. But for you - no. So what I can do, if you will let me know how many bags you need, is send you some from my stash. If you have 400 squares, 5 bags should cover you. If you will send me your address (you can find my page on the Forum and post it there privately in my Inbox) I will mail them to you. In the meantime, do try to find postage help in your community because you are looking at about 250.00-300.00 to send all of them. You may have to send them in shifts some few at a time as you are able to find funding..........but at least you will have the bags I can send you.
When you send them, include in each bag the name of the group sending, the address, and how many squares. We all have to do that for each bag.
I will check my Forum page (messages) for your address if you want the bags.
Greetings Arfisher from up in Canada above MN! Welcome to a worldwide network of loving happy people helping African Aids orphans. Glad to have you with us. It's so heartening to know that in this global, often so impersonal world, we're actually making a difference, a REAL difference, in the lives of these children. Check out the Forum, above, for the various discussion threads, and Photos for all the lovely photos of members' work and Groups where you can join groups from countries around the world.
The Featured Discussions grouping (in the Forum section) show the most important subjects at the moment, latest challenges, latest news etc. I also recommend the Anyone Want to Chat Discussion section, which contains the Our Furry Companions and Yarnaholics threads. I am so much a Yarnaholic! You joined us just in time to contribute some warm squares, hats and garments for the children, as their winter is approaching as ours leaves. Thanks again for helping the AIDS orphans in Africa!
Wow, you are certainly getting involved quickly. Good for you ...and great for the children ! As Pam said, check with the U.S. group. They should be able to help. Or Bev's suggestion of ebay might be the answer.
Have you had a chance to look at the e-zines ? They provide wonderful photos of how our squares are helping these vulnerable children. Their smiles are priceless !
We are so pleased you have joined our world-wide family of knitters and crocheters. Looking forward to the squares that are created with all these hooks !
Wow! That is a lot of crochet hooks. The obvious suggestion would be ebay. The ones I have seen have been packs of various sizes, not just one size ....but I am not an ebay user, so possibly someone with more experience is able to help you.
Thanks for joining us and I hope someone is able to provide you with the necessary sound like you are on a mission....just love it!!
Hi Amy
Happy Birthday. I hope you have a great day. :))
Please go to the U.S. Forum page on the KAS website and read about a new fund-raising drive to raise funds for a newer vehicle for Ronda. She is in great need of a more reliable car to take the blankets and hats to the creches and the squares to the stitchers. A donation of any amount is valuable. Thanks
Hi, Arfisher! I thought I would reply off-Forum with a personal note. Just learned you are in Richmond...........I grew up in Charlottesville. Was just there last fall. I know Midlothian as my Dad's family, the Morrissettes, who were Huguenots, are from there.
You really do need to use the poly bags. I had no luck finding them in the office supply stores though in the 20x20 size I needed and ended up ordering from ebay. Trouble is the orders have to be so big - 50 at a time. That's fine for me because I send so many squares a year. But for you - no. So what I can do, if you will let me know how many bags you need, is send you some from my stash. If you have 400 squares, 5 bags should cover you. If you will send me your address (you can find my page on the Forum and post it there privately in my Inbox) I will mail them to you. In the meantime, do try to find postage help in your community because you are looking at about 250.00-300.00 to send all of them. You may have to send them in shifts some few at a time as you are able to find funding..........but at least you will have the bags I can send you.
When you send them, include in each bag the name of the group sending, the address, and how many squares. We all have to do that for each bag.
I will check my Forum page (messages) for your address if you want the bags.
Welcome, Arfisher, from suburban Philadelphia. Glad you joined us!
Greetings Arfisher from up in Canada above MN! Welcome to a worldwide network of loving happy people helping African Aids orphans. Glad to have you with us. It's so heartening to know that in this global, often so impersonal world, we're actually making a difference, a REAL difference, in the lives of these children. Check out the Forum, above, for the various discussion threads, and Photos for all the lovely photos of members' work and Groups where you can join groups from countries around the world.
The Featured Discussions grouping (in the Forum section) show the most important subjects at the moment, latest challenges, latest news etc. I also recommend the Anyone Want to Chat Discussion section, which contains the Our Furry Companions and Yarnaholics threads. I am so much a Yarnaholic! You joined us just in time to contribute some warm squares, hats and garments for the children, as their winter is approaching as ours leaves. Thanks again for helping the AIDS orphans in Africa!
Hi Arfisher, welcome to the forum !
Wow, you are certainly getting involved quickly. Good for you ...and great for the children ! As Pam said, check with the U.S. group. They should be able to help. Or Bev's suggestion of ebay might be the answer.
Have you had a chance to look at the e-zines ? They provide wonderful photos of how our squares are helping these vulnerable children. Their smiles are priceless !
We are so pleased you have joined our world-wide family of knitters and crocheters. Looking forward to the squares that are created with all these hooks !
Welcome to KAS Arfisher and warm greetings from South Africa :)
Hi and welcome to KAS, from Australia.
Wow! That is a lot of crochet hooks. The obvious suggestion would be ebay. The ones I have seen have been packs of various sizes, not just one size ....but I am not an ebay user, so possibly someone with more experience is able to help you.
Thanks for joining us and I hope someone is able to provide you with the necessary sound like you are on a mission....just love it!!