Please go to the U.S. Forum page on the KAS website and read about a new fund-raising drive to raise funds for a newer vehicle for Ronda. She is in great need of a more reliable car to take the blankets and hats to the creches and the squares to the stitchers. A donation of any amount is valuable . Thanks
Please go to the U.S. Forum page on the KAS website and read about a new fund-raising drive to raise funds for a newer vehicle for Ronda. She is in great need of a more reliable car to take the blankets and hats to the creches and the squares to the stitchers. A donation of any amount is valuable . Thanks
I am just getting around to finding you all and welcoming you to the KAS community. Hope you enjoy this forum and your regions' group.
There is a section to help you navigate the forum and welcomes your feedback.
Also if you are not subscribed to Square Circle, an issue is due out early next week:
You are now a member, so joined the US group just fine!! Great job.
Have a blessed weekend,