You left a comment regarding a pattern for the Texas flag on my page, which I presume was by mistake. Unfortunately, I don't have a pattern of that nature but perhaps you could try the main discussion forum; maybe someone else might have one.
Suzy, your square contribution to KAS is fabulous! Give high fives for me to
all your members! I am glad to hear you are working with your minister
to become a global ministry so the church can help you out of the church
budget. Regarding your square problem, I commented on Kyla's list where
you posted but will reply again here. I think you may have done a knit or
a purl row at the wrong juncture and caused the pattern to turn backwards.
If you will rip your square back to where you think it took a wrong turn
and try to pick up a knit row at the first of the pattern rows, maybe you
can get back on the right track. Without seeing your square, it's hard for
me to judge. Wish I could be more help!
Welcome to our warm KAS community. It's great to see you. We hope you will enjoy the forum and your region's group. You should join the USA group!
There are lots of great discussions going on in the forum, including the monthly challenges.
We have a challenge every month, if you want to get involved please do. It's not compulsory at all but some of the work done is just lovely. Have a look at the November challenge - the SLIP-OVER (under challenges in the main forum) this will give you an idea of some of the fantastic work this community is doing for the children of South Africa. Here is a link to the November challenge photos:
Hi Suzy
You left a comment regarding a pattern for the Texas flag on my page, which I presume was by mistake. Unfortunately, I don't have a pattern of that nature but perhaps you could try the main discussion forum; maybe someone else might have one.
Hi Suzy
Wishing you a Happy Birthday....I hope its a goodie. :))
Hi Suzy
Best wishes to you, for a Happy Birthday.
all your members! I am glad to hear you are working with your minister
to become a global ministry so the church can help you out of the church
budget. Regarding your square problem, I commented on Kyla's list where
you posted but will reply again here. I think you may have done a knit or
a purl row at the wrong juncture and caused the pattern to turn backwards.
If you will rip your square back to where you think it took a wrong turn
and try to pick up a knit row at the first of the pattern rows, maybe you
can get back on the right track. Without seeing your square, it's hard for
me to judge. Wish I could be more help!
Welcome to our warm KAS community. It's great to see you. We hope you will enjoy the forum and your region's group. You should join the USA group!
There are lots of great discussions going on in the forum, including the monthly challenges.
We have a challenge every month, if you want to get involved please do. It's not compulsory at all but some of the work done is just lovely. Have a look at the November challenge - the SLIP-OVER (under challenges in the main forum) this will give you an idea of some of the fantastic work this community is doing for the children of South Africa. Here is a link to the November challenge photos:
Did you receive the latest ezine? If not you can view it here:
Thanks so much for your contribution already, look forward to being in contact soon.
Happy Knitting!
Kalai & Sandy