
    • I agree with Sharon 👍

    • Imagination and creativity win!   A beautiful square.   Good work, Patricia.

  • Five snowmen. The bottom three are each holding a placard saying 'hope', 'peace' and 'love'.

    The background is a deep green, which my camera seems to have chosen to lighten and brighten....either that or it's my laptop screen playing tricks on me....haha.


    • You've got some very jolly snowmen, love the top right

    • Love them Bev. 

    • I could use a little Frosty Snowman at the moment.  He wouldn't last long in our heat.

      Well done, Bev.

    • It's CHRISTMAS!!!    Fab use of green and appliques Bev xx

    • I love all five Bev, as will the children!

    • What darling Snow-people!  Each one cuter than the last.   And the Peace, Hope, Love messages are perfect in today's troubled world.

    • Great appliques on the colour of the month background, Bev. I bet they remind you of all the snowmen you get to build over there in Western Australia!

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