
  • It was such a treat to revivist the KAS Sisters Get Together column. I enjoyed reading the old and new stories of friends meeting in the past. What a wonderful surprise for you Chris to meet up with our Karen. We knew she was planning a holiday but had no idea she was headed your way. You are looking well Chris, it was lovely to finally see your smiling face Karen. The only picture I can remember seeing of you was when you had your purple hair, and if I remember correctly it was the back of your head. The weather embraced your visit because the sky is a bright blue. 

  • I had a lovely surprise last week, Karen Gordon messaged me, asking if she and her husband Stuart could visit. Karen and I are in touch frequently, so I was surprised I hadn’t heard about them visiting Wales. What I hadn’t realised was that it was a spontaneous decision and that the purpose of their visit was to visit me! Stuart is a keen runner and fancied doing a few runs while they were here. They arrived Friday and were leaving early Sunday morning, they were staying about a half hour’s drive from my home.

    I was delighted, and hoped that the weather would be kind for their visit, and it was. 
    They journeyed from Durham in the North of England to Pendoylan in South Wales, approx 320miles. It was no surprise to me that we hit it off so well, and spending time with both Karen and Stuart was a real joy, and they have a lovely sense of humour. We were able to have lunch in the garden and then whilst Stuart went out for a run (I think he is superman he is so fast), Karen and I chatted and had a lovely time.
    My son Andrew was able to join us for a relaxed evening meal. Jess was very excited to meet new friends!12681477896?profile=RESIZE_400x
    We didn’t knit or crochet together, we simply didn’t have time, but I was able to see some of Karen’s beautiful knitted squares that she had made during their long journey.
    On Saturday, after Stuart had done a Parkrun,12681472061?profile=RESIZE_400x
    we met up at my home for a quick cup of tea and a catch up, before a short drive to the coast where we enjoyed a sunny afternoon together.
    Both Karen and I have some mobility issues, so we were able to use our scooters and enjoy ‘motoring’ together along the promenade (Stuart however was walking).
    We enjoyed the views over a vast pebbled beach, The Knap, and coast line followed by a trip around ‘Swan Lake’, Karen’s name for the little lake and park where numerous swans were also enjoying the sunshine.
     Did I mention we enjoyed chatting....
    We enjoyed another meal together after another lovely afternoon, and then back to my home for a cup of tea before we parted.
    It was a real pleasure to spend time with such lovely, friendly, down to earth people, I enjoyed every minute of their visit! I am very hopeful that we will meet again,  Stuart is keen to do some more Parkruns in Wales, and Karen and I have found we have got so much still to chat about. So it's good bye for now....



    • Chris it was totally our pleasure to drive down and spend some time with you.   I feel the short notice of 36-40 hours meant we didn't overplan or get uptight at all about what we would actually do.   Just meeting and being together felt enough as you + I have limited mobility issues, and oh how great it all worked out to be!   Your were a fabulous host and have such a dream cosey home packed with sentiment and stories to tell.  Meeting Jess and Andrew was superb too, it is clear they both adore you.   The buggy ride worked out a treat + will remain a memory I will smile about for the rest of my life.   We love you to bits honey + hope to repeat the trip in time.   Thank you Sister xx

    • A great report, Chris, about two of our favourite people. You were lucky the visit coincided with about the only decent weekend we've had so far this summer!

    • What a great catch up, sounds like you all enjoyed a wonderful time!! Lovely to see you both. :))

  • Thank you, Chris, for sharing this journey. I remember Anne from the early days of KAS. She was part of the blanket drive for the Soweto Gospel Choir performance here in Philadelphia about 10 years ago. We had many email conversations and I was saddened to hear of her passing. I’m glad you had a chance to meet her daughters.
    Best wishes,
    Debbie Posmontier
  • That was a beautiful account of your journey and lovely photos that you shared with us. I'm very envious ! My absolute phobia of flying stops me now from venturing so far from home.

  • In 2019, my son Andrew and I were planning to celebrate his 40th birthday with a trip to Canada in 2020. Well, we all know what happened to travel plans for 2020In 2019, my son Andrew and I planned to celebrate his 40th birthday with a trip to Canada; well we all know what happened to travel plans for 2020 and 2021! 

    Happily we have been able to visit in June 2022!
    We each had a short wish list, thankfully we were able to accommodate both of us! I had always wanted to visit Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island (I loved the scenery in the Anne of Green Gables Films), Andrew wanted to visit Niagara Falls and we both wanted visit The Rockies.
    I had another reason for wanting to visit Nova Scotia, it is the home of Gloria Grandy (Glo). At one time I didn’t understand how friendships could develop online, but they do, and I can understand how. The KAS forum enables like minded people to work together to help vulnerable children, and somehow, along the way friendships develop. I had a feeling that Glo and I would hit it off and we sure did!

    Andrew and I were staying a short drive away from River John. Glo and her husband Don, kindly offered to be our North Shore guides as well as offering us hospitality. I enjoyed every minute of their company, and I know Andrew did too; there was a fair bit of chatting, hugging, laughing, eating, sightseeing and crocheting.


    Don sat in the front in the car with Andrew, they were chatting away most of the time, while Glo and I sat silently in the back….. not! It felt like we had known each other for years and we had so much to talk about. Apparently at one point Andrew told us there was a black bear walking along at the side of the road, but neither Glo or I heard him, as we were so busy chatting! 


    We visited beautiful beaches, a lavender farm and Lismore sheep farm & shop, to be truthful, Andrew and Don visited the sheep, Glo and I visited the yarn shop (no surprises there), the yarn was beautiful and I loved seeing some of Glo’s work for sale, her Tunisian crochet is superb! 

    A special visit for all  for of us, was to have a picnic and wait to see an amazing sight, (no, Glo and I weren’t silent), it was a tidal bore. A tidal bore is a tumbling wavefront which moves upstream in a river, announcing the incoming tide  The Bay of Fundy has the highest tides in the world, and twice a day at predicted times a tidal bore occurs on the Salmon River, near Truro, Nova Scotia. It was an amazing sight and sharing the experience with Glo, Don and Andrew was wonderful! 
    I was also introduced to Michael’s!  I’ve read on the forum about members visiting there and having yarn bargains and I finally got to visit! I was like a child in a sweet shop as I wandered through the yarn on sale, and it was lovely to be doing it with Glo! I knew I had to be sensible, as our suit cases were pretty full, but I couldn’t resist some beautifully coloured merino yarn that was on clearance, a 1/4 of the normal price, I simply couldn’t leave it there, I would have to sit on my suitcase to close it! 
    Andrew and I very much enjoyed sharing delicious suppers with Glo and Don at their cottage after a day out (Glo’s ‘Impossible Pie’ is delicious!), the relaxed atmosphere was lovely and they treated us like family. 
    We also enjoyed a visit to the wonderful bakery and coffee shop  that Glo and other ladies from the RJSK  sometimes sit outside and knit on ‘knit in public day’ each year. Some of their dishcloths were on sale there to help raise the much needed postal costs for their KAS parcels, it is 4 times more expensive to send from Canada than the UK! 
    Of course we needed to try their delicious cakes too!

    Well,  Glo saved the best visit until our final day, visiting the RJSK ladies at the library on a Friday morning. What a friendly, welcoming and industrious group of ladies they are, we both enjoyed our visit very much, I think Andrew was drawn more to the cake than the crafting! I’d love to join them every week, if only I lived just a little nearer!
    10616880700?profile=RESIZE_710xGlo, June, Andrew (caught mid blink) and me


    Glo in person is how she comes across on the forum, she has a great sense of humour, she is caring, thoughtful and kind. I’m so very glad that we have met and were able to spend a few days together, we have plans to FaceTime in the future. 
    She is a gem, as is her kind husband Don, they made our trip to Nova Scotia extra special, it was sad having to say goodbye at the ferry terminal, we will never forget their kindness and hospitality and I will always value their friendship.

    10616896297?profile=RESIZE_710x                                                                 Anne and Glo
    I mentioned earlier Andrew’s desire to visit Niagara Falls, I agreed readily, as Anne Powell lived just an hour away from Toronto which would be our base. Sadly, as you know Anne, (who started this discussion) passed away in March 2020. Prior to this, Anne was eager to learn of our Canada plans and was going to take us to the L.M.Montgomery museum, near her home in Leaskdale.

    I was sad that I wouldn’t get to meet Anne, I admired her very much, she was very hard working, a real ‘doer’ for KAS, she was a people person, who had a kind heart and had real empathy for those in need.

    I was delighted that Wendy wanted to meet us, together with her sister Kelly. Kelly and Wendy provided us with a delicious lunch, during which I learned a lot about Anne, I felt we would have got on well, just like Glo and I had. It was great to see where Anne had lived and meet her family. We then visited the LMM museum and church, which was very interesting.

    A bronze statue of Louise Maud Montgomery, me, Kelly and Wendy


    I had asked to visit the cemetery so that I could pay my respects to Anne. It was a beautiful place, and I’m so glad that her daughters were with me, Anne would I’m sure be so pleased that both Wendy and Kelly ‘stepped in’ and made us feel so welcome.

    I have been very fortunate to meet a wonderful KAS sister in Glo and the two loving daughters of Anne….. and Canada was pretty great too!

    • Such an interesting read, Chris. Thank you so much for letting us all share in your visit.

    • Chris, your account of your travels just warms my heart!  The picture you chose of Anne and me brings back the best of memories of our dear friend.  I remember it like it was yesterday!  That was my first meeting with Anne and it felt like I'd known her forever - just like it felt on my first meeting with you!  Wendy and Kelly were absolute angels to step in for their Mom and welcome you.  Anne would be thrilled!

      I'm so very glad you and Andrew were able to experience and enjoy so much of Canada's beauty.  I enjoyed every minute of our time together and wish it could have been much, much longer.  You both left Don and me with many treasured memories and as soon as they get the highway and the B-I-G bridge built, Bev and I will both join you in Wales ... hahaha

      I hope you don't mind if I share a pic of just one of your lovely gifts to me.  I have received many ooohs and aaaahs over this and it has become my new 'cottage' project bag.  Isn't it just the sweetest thing!!!


      And now, dear Chris, I am looking forward to 'getting together' with you again via technology so we can pick up where we left off.  Do you suppose we'll be able to think of anything to say to each other? 

      Honestly, folks, true KASsisters and kindred spirits never run out of words ...  hahaha ... xo

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