From Egypt12437660453?profile=RESIZE_584x

To Victoria Falls


Africa has many incredible destinations to visit.

There are such amazing and unique animals,

From Lions


to Elephants


Or Penguins


Maybe an Ostrich

12437664052?profile=RESIZE_400xAnd for sure the Giraffes


AFRICA has so many things for the children to explore and enjoy.

This month let us celebrate all that is Africa and embrace the colors of the South African Flag.


The Colors of the Month are Yellow and Gold.

We cannot wait to see your creations...


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  • Many thanks, Amy, for another great month, filled with educational and inspiring work.   Your projects featuring the colors of the South Africa flag are amazing!

    Welcome To Africa - The Land Of Wildlife

  • Thank you Amy for a wonderful month, and for all your hard work with themes, snippets and The Barn . I do appreciate it.

  • Karen are you okay? NOBODY sets off on a vacation without a knitting project. You really need to rethink this idea through , it's not a good decision that you have made. I can't imagine doing it, my yarn and projects ( plural) are the first thing I deal with when planning a vacation. Destination and clothes come after that. 

  • 12630381891?profile=RESIZE_584x



    Here's my last set of 20 double strand hats hot off the needles and sewn up to make the end of the month.   Although I've not concentrated my efforts on theme this month, I have tried my best to get to the bottom of my WIP's which has felt rewarding in itself - it also means I can plan ahead on my next new projects til my heart is content.   I have one Africa themed blanket on needles which may be some time in completion as I'm heading off on holiday.

    Thank you Amy for leading this theme with your encouragement and personal makes - you are the consummate host xx

    • 20 more warm heads as winter quickly approaches.  Love seeing your beanies in distributions.

    • Enjoy your well-earned holiday, Karen, although I can't believe you haven't packed your knitting needles!

      • I haven't packed anything to take/make while away, (she says thinking her Kindle will suffice), .....but then I remember I do find knitting on a flight keeps me sat upright + that the time passes quicker.   I may need to take a moment to raid my stash + find something suitable..... ♥️

        • must find a flying project.


        • I'm sure you'll find something Karen, I simply can't imagine you not clicking away! My holiday crochet bag is packed..... but nothing else is!

          • I totally get it, Chris! My yarn is the first thing I pack......and even though we only go for a few days at a time, I always have enough yarn for a couple of months. 

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