What's on Your Needles and Hooks in April 2024?

What's on your hooks and needles in April 2024?
What surprises await your fellow KASers, from your hooks and needles this month?
I hope it's lots of this.....
and this....
and this....
and this.....
But none of this...............
Colour of the Month (CoM) is
Now some might consider brown a pretty boring colour to put in a child's blanket, but there are soooo many shades......and it complements sooooo many other colours. I'm thinking mint green , lemon,  lilac and lavender, turquoise...to name a few. So, if you have some 'browns' lurking in the bottom of your stash, drag them out...this is their moment (month) to shine!! 


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    • Wow Karen!Well done!

    • 20 more superb hats that will delight and warm the children! I''m in awe, you have almost made a 1,000.... a staggering contribution Karen, you are a ⭐️

      • AMAZING, Karen!! LOVING the variety you always manage to achieve. The pink combos in these ones are totally FAB....as are they all. laughing

  • Karen, I was wondering when we would see more hats and striped squares from you. Love the hats. I think black in stripe squares always look so

    Striking .

    • Thank you - I'm sewing hats up myself these days, so they tend to mount up in a huge pile unstitched up, until the pile topples over + basically commands I get sewing xx. Needless to say there are more to come soon! 

  • Inside or outside pictures Bev, and both colours look great. It's amazing how colours change with or without sun.

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    Hi folks, my recent objective has been to finish off some abandoned or unfinished "sets".    Here's 10 double strand hats based around some peachy wools, and 10 striped squares based around black and oddments.

    • Karen, I love your peachy hats and your black and oddments squares! I admire the way you use every scrap of yarn, giving them their chance to shine! 👍👍

    • LOVE  your peachy hats, Karen!! Think my faves are bottom left and bottom right.

      I ALWAYS love your stripy squares...especially ones with black.....the colours really POP!!!!

    • It always feels good to make a bit of a clearance, Karen, and then to get started on the next project!

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