What's on Your Needles and Hooks in April 2024?

What's on your hooks and needles in April 2024?
What surprises await your fellow KASers, from your hooks and needles this month?
I hope it's lots of this.....
and this....
and this....
and this.....
But none of this...............
Colour of the Month (CoM) is
Now some might consider brown a pretty boring colour to put in a child's blanket, but there are soooo many shades......and it complements sooooo many other colours. I'm thinking mint green , lemon,  lilac and lavender, turquoise...to name a few. So, if you have some 'browns' lurking in the bottom of your stash, drag them out...this is their moment (month) to shine!! 


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  • Sharon you have been busy. I'm sure the volunteers at the barn will be so delighted to receive them.

  • Bev the work that you do each month is greatly appreciated...


  • katieyunholmes: thank you clip art free

    A great big Thank You Bev for all your work and inspiration again this month.   We appreciate you very much.

  • A few squares, finally finished after months of knitting .... about the same time it takes Karen to make 10 hats and 3 blankets, I think. embarassed  

    Shades of orange plus variegated - 7 of each color combo.


    • You've completed a lot lately too Sharon!   Quality knitting too + I also note your great colour choices for this style square xx ♥️

    • I'd say 35 squares was rather more than a "few" Sharon. They're beautiful, but I'm guessing you're itching to get back to your crochet hook!

      • You are right, Patricia.   Crochet goes so much faster so I get that instant gratification boost.  I do have another knitting project working in the background, though.   You might see it this year, or maybe not until next year.  LOL

        • WOW!! FAB squares, Sharon!!! Loads of GREAT colour combos here....of course no prizes for guessing which are my faves. I am hopelessly besotted with pink.....hahaha.....BUT, coming a close second are the ones below them and also to the right of that batch.....so I do see other colours. laughing

           Oh no, I've just reread your comment with the photo and see that it is actually orange......will have to take my glasses off and then it will look more pink. wink

          • Sorry Bev but no pink.   But it is that lovely Creamscicle peachy color that I think you've used to great effect recently, so maybe it comes in at 2nd place?

  • 12437543672?profile=RESIZE_584xBev, this was a fun month, even work with brown.  Thank you for hosting.

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